38 Exam Parts (2/2)
Greg came out of the room with a dark face.
He wasn't angry because he couldn't make his exam great, cause he got 2 points out of five even though Information Gathering wasn't his field.
No, it was because the one who knew something about his mom, was in front of him, but couldn't do anything about it.
He couldn't concentrate normally to the test, because of this, but in the end he somehow managed it.
As he walked down the stairs he saw that the others have been waiting for him. It seemed that he was the only one, who needed this much time.
”Haha! What's up Greg? It was so hard to ask that you get stuck in there? Haha!” said Liam, while laughing.
Greg was not in the mood to bother with him, so he just walked next to Michael and looked in front of him.
Michael didn't know what's the matter, but seeing Greg's angry mood he decided to leave him alone, until he calms down.
”Okay, it seems everybody finished, good. Tomorrow will be the next segment, Shooting. It will be at the same time at 1 p.m, so be on time. I will give you the rules and information, after the dinner like yesterday, so until then you can go wherever you want freely.” said Pete and walked away.
”Hey Greg! Do you want to come with us into the city?” asked Dorothy from Greg.
”Sorry, but I can't. I need to do something, but you can go, if you want.” answered Greg and walked up to his room.
Dorothy, with a sad look turned to Isla and said,”He said no.”
”Hehe. Don't worry. There's always tomorrow and maybe he had to do something important. Don't be sad because of this.” smiled Isla and with a sudden move she dragged Dorothy out with her.
[Somewhere in New-Was.h.i.+ngton]
In an unknown place, 5 hooded man were quietly talking in a circle.
”So? When will we go? They will be here only for a week and one day have gone already. We don't have much time.” said the one on the left side.
”Yeah, he is right. If we don't hurry they will be gone before we could do anything. And if we fail, Boss will cut our heads off.” said another one from the left.
The two on the right just listened and didn't reply, but the middle one answered,”Don't worry. We will do it on the day, when they are not expecting. Before someone even realize a thing in their cla.s.s, it will be too late.”
Hearing this the two on the left side looked at each other and after looking back they nodded.
”And when will we attack?”
”On the last day. When they are walking back to the airport, that's when we will act. We go and drop a gas bomb in the middle and after the mist settled, you and you will go and kidnap the two Flynn girls.” said the middle one as he pointed to the two on the left side.
”And what will they do?” asked one from the left pointing to the two on the right.
The middle one turned his gaze to the two and answered,”They will be our eyes. If they see something awry, they will warn us immediately, so you can do your part without issue.”
The other 4 looked at each other and with a nod they agreed.
”Well then, if there's nothing else, we will meet tomorrow here in the same time. If you don't appear here at the concerted time, there will be consequences. Any questions?” asked the middle one.
”No!” answered the four in unison and with that they walked away in 5 different paths.
However, what they didn't notice, that from a shadow a head was looking at their leaving figures. It was Oliver of course.
”It seems this little trip won't be so boring.” said Oliver and with a smile, his head dissapeared into the darkness...