Part 7 (1/2)
In mock surprise she answered:
”Mr. Morton, I'm from New York. Did you ever meet a lady from that city who was not all that the poets claimed for womanhood?”
”Richard Morton,” said Mrs. Yocomb genially, ”thee seems listening very intently to something Emily Warren is saying, so thee may take that seat beside her.”
”Richard Morton,” said Mr. Yocomb from the head of the table, ”has thee made the acquaintance of Emily Warren?”
”No, sir, but I am making it.”
”So am I, and she has been here a week.”
”I should esteem that one of the highest of compliments,” I said; then turning to her, I added, in an aside, ”You found me out in half an hour.”
”Am I such a sphinx?” she asked Mr. Yocomb with a smile; while to me she said, in a low tone: ”You are mistaken. You have had something to say to me almost daily for a year or more.”
”I am not acquainted with the article, and so can't give an opinion,”
Mr. Yocomb replied, with a humorous twinkle in his eye. ”If the resemblance is close, so much the better for the sphinxes.”
”Now, father, thee isn't a young man that thee should be complimenting the girls,” his wife remarked.
”I've persuaded Silas Jones to stay,” said Adah, entering.
”Silas Jones, I hope thee and thy parents are well,” Mrs. Yocomb answered, with a courtesy somewhat constrained. ”Will thee take that seat by Adah? Let me make thee acquainted with Richard Morton and Emily Warren.”
We bowed, but I turned instantly to Miss Warren and said.
”Do you note how delightfully Mrs. Yocomb unites our names? I take it as an omen that we may become friends in spite of my shortcomings. You should have been named first in the order of merit.”
”Mrs. Yocomb rarely makes mistakes,” she replied.
”That confirms my omen.”
”Omens are often ominous.”
”I'm prepared for the best.”
”Hus.h.!.+” and she bowed her head in the grace customary before meals in this house.
I had noted that Mr. Yocomb's bow to Mr. Jones was slightly formal also. Remembering the hospitable traits of my host and hostess, I concluded that the young man was not exactly to their taste. Indeed, a certain jauntiness in dress that verged toward flas.h.i.+ness would not naturally predispose them in his favor. But Adah, although disclaiming any special interest in him, seemed pleased with his attentions. She was not so absorbed, however, but that she had an eye for me, and expected my homage also. She apparently felt that she had made a very favorable impression on me, and that we were congenial spirits. During the half hour that followed I felt rather than saw that this fact amused Miss Warren exceedingly.
For a few moments we sat in silence, but I fear my grace was as graceless as my morning wors.h.i.+p had been. Miss Warren's manner was reverent. Were her thoughts also wandering? and whither? She certainly held mine, and by a constraint that was not unwelcome.
When she lifted her expressive eyes I concluded that she had done better than merely comply with a religious custom.