Part 18 (2/2)

LOTUS LAND (P. A. Thompson). 16s. net.

LOVER OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, The (Aubrey Richardson). 12s. 6d. net.

LOWE (C.), A Lindsay's Love. A Tale of the Tuileries and the Siege of Paris. A Novel. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 6s.

LUCY OF THE STARS (Frederick Palmer). 6s.

MACHRAY (R.), The Night Side of London. With 95 pictures by Tom Browne, R.I., R.B.A. Cloth, 2s. net; paper, 1s. net.

MACQUOID (K. S.), Pictures in Umbria. With 50 original ill.u.s.trations by Thomas R. Macquoid, R.I. (Uniform with the Cathedral Series.) 6s. net.

MALVERY (O. C.), The Speculator. A Novel. Crown 8vo, 6s.

MAN AND HIS FUTURE (Lt.-Col. W. Sedgwick). 7s. 6d. net.

MARRIAGE BROKER, The (Florence Warden). 6s.

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2835 MAYFAIR (Frank Richardson). 6s.

MEADE (L.T.), The Red Ruth. A Novel. Crown 8vo, 6s.

MELOMANICS (James Huneker). 6s. net.

MERRILL (E.), Art in the Dumps. A Satire on the commercialism of British literature, drama, painting, and music. Cloth, 2s. net.; paper, 1s. net.

MILTOUN (F.), The Cathedrals of Northern France. With 80 ill.u.s.trations from original drawings, and many minor decorations, by Blanche McMa.n.u.s.

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MILTOUN (F.), The Cathedrals of Southern France. With 90 ill.u.s.trations by Blanche McMa.n.u.s. 1 vol. Decorative cover. 568 pages. 8vo, 7-3/4 5-1/4 1-1/2, cloth gilt, 6s. net. (Cathedral Series, Vol. II.)

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MOORE (George), Confessions of a Young Man. New Edition revised. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.

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Crown 8vo, leather, full gilt, 4s. 6d. net.; cloth, 2s. 6d. net.

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Very fully ill.u.s.trated. Demy 8vo, 16s. net.; club edition, 21s. net.

MUDDOCK (J. E. Preston), Tangled Destinies. A Novel. Crown 8vo, 6s.

MUDDOCK (J. E. Preston), Thurtell's Crime. A Novel. Crown 8vo, 6s.
