Part 82 (1/2)

”Don't be in a hurry,” Bob warned him. ”It isn't a matter to go off half-c.o.c.k on. Any man would have done what you did. I'd have done it myself. That's why I stood by you. I'm not sure you aren't right to take advantage of what the law can do for you. Plenty do just that with only the object of acquiring other people's dollars. I don't say it's right in theory; but in this case it may be eternally right in practice. Go slow on deciding.”

”You're sure a good friend, Bobby,” said Pollock simply.

”Whatever you decide, don't even mention my name to any one,” warned Bob. ”We don't want to get me connected with the case in any man's mind.

Hardly let on you remember to have known me. Don't overdo it though.

You'll want a real good lawyer. I'll find out about that. And the money--how'll we fix it?”

George thought for a moment.

”Fix it with Jack,” said he at length. ”He'll stay put. Tell him not to tell his own father. He won't. He's reliable.”


”Well, I'm risking my neck on it.”

”I'll simply tell him the name of the lawyer,” decided Bob, ”and get him actual cash.”

”I'll pay that back--the other I can't,” said Pollock with sudden feeling. ”Here, have a cup of coffee.”

Bob swallowed the hot coffee gratefully. Without speaking further, Pollock arose and led the way. When finally they had reached the open forest above the camp, the mountaineer squeezed Bob's fingers hard.

”Good-bye,” said the younger man in a guarded voice. ”I won't see you again. Remember, even at best it's a long wait in jail. Think it over before you decide!”

”I'm in jail here,” replied Pollock.

Bob walked thoughtfully to camp. He found a fire burning and Elliott afoot.

”Thank G.o.d, you're here!” cried that young man; ”I was getting scared for you. What's up?”

”You are and I am,” replied Bob. ”Couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk.

Think that bogy-man of yours had got me?”

”I surely began to.”

”Nothing doing. I guess I can snooze a little now.”

”I can't,” complained Elliott. ”You've got me good and waked up, confound you!”

Bob kicked off his boots, and without further disrobing rolled himself into his gray blanket. As he was dropping asleep two phrases flashed across his brain. They were: ”compounding a felony,” and ”accessory after the fact.”

”Don't feel much like a criminal either,” murmured Bob to himself; and after a moment: ”Poor devil!”


Two days later, from the advantage of the rock designated by California John, Elliott reported the agreed signal for their recall. Accordingly, they packed together their belongings and returned to headquarters.

”We're getting short-handed, and several things have come up,” said Thorne. ”I have work for both of you.”