29 Chapter 28: Awakening (1/2)

Martial Academy GeSiLa 96230K 2022-07-22


I stirred, wincing and groaning as I tried to sit up.


For a moment, my mind blanked out as I tried to remember what happened. Right, I almost died after that graze from the Hydra's fang, the venom nearly overwhelming my body. I wasn't able to drink the Green Dragon Spring water in time to heal myself, and was carried away by the irresistible current. At some point of time, I fell into a coma.

And during that coma, I apparently dropped into the underworld, met up with Grandma Meng and Master Tian Mo, and spent a week learning Heaven and Earth Formula from him. Then time was up and Grandma Meng unceremoniously sent me back to the mortal realm with a single smack on my head.

Then it must mean that I had just woke up in the world of the living.

”…! Ugh!”

I clutched my body, which still felt sore from my encounter with the Hydra. After spending a week in the underworld training under Master, I had completely forgotten about the injuries I sustained in my flight from the legendary monster.

On the other hand, it means that not much time passed since I escaped the Hydra…

Unsteadily crawling out of bed, I stood shakily on both feet and glanced at my new surroundings.


Blinking, I glanced back at the bed I had just emerged from. Now that I looked carefully, I saw that I was in a room. A pretty simple, bare bedroom that did not have much in the way of furniture or personal possessions. A guest room…no, it was too bare to be a guest room. Other than the bed and a single wooden shelf by the wall, the room was almost completely empty.

Sunlight trickled from the transparent window that spread across one wall, bereft of curtains. The sun was already high up in the sky, which indicated that it was already afternoon. Early afternoon, around 3pm, perhaps?


I found my glasses and personal effects, including my Silverback Wolf pelt makeshift bag, my Golden Dragon Medallion and the flask of precious Green Dragon Spring water on the floor next to the bed. Putting the glasses on, even though I no longer needed them for visual aid, I packed my stuff up. As I placed the Golden Dragon Medallion into my pocket, I noticed that I was no longer wearing my uniform.

That made sense. The Wu Ling Academy uniform that I had worn since before the training mission had been reduced to nothing more than rags by the time I escaped the cavern. No doubt whoever rescued me was also kind enough to give me new, wearable clothes. It was a simple attire, a white and brown tunic with pants, but it was much better to my torn and tattered rags that were the remnants of my formerly magnificent uniform.

Beneath the uniform, there wasn't much bandages. That made sense – most of the injuries I suffered were internal. The most fatal one was actually the venom, which wasn't visible on the outside. Mostly, anyway. The graze on my left arm, which had swelled the limb to an enormous size and blackened my flesh, had been covered up by a long bandage. Thankfully, the swelling had seemingly gone down while I was out.

”Ah, you're awake!”

While I was occupied with checking out my current condition, someone stepped into the room. I blinked and raised my head, catching sight of a young lady in her late twenties. Her hand flew to her mouth when she saw that I was up and about, and she hurried over when I staggered, catching me before I fell over.

”You shouldn't be up yet!”

”Oh, sorry.”

With her assistance, I sat back on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I allowed my mind to clear and my body to recover a little more.

”Um…thank you.”

”No problem. I'm just glad you're all right. You've finally woken up.”

Rubbing my head, I glanced at her. ”How long was I out for?”

”Hmm…three days, I believe?” the lady frowned as she considered. Then she smiled. ”We didn't think you would wake up so soon. You were in pretty bad shape when we found you.”

”Were you the one who rescued me?” I asked, then bowed my head. ”Thank you.”

”Ah, no, no, no!” the lady waved her hands frantically, embarrassed at receiving my gratitude. ”I'm not the one who saved you! It was Lu Shun who found you by the Rivershore, and he brought you back to the village.”

”I see.” I closed my eyes briefly, still trying to fight off the soreness that threatened to pound throughout my body. ”Then I'll need to thank him.”

”You'll get the chance to do so later.” The lady rewarded me with a smile. ”But for now you should stay in bed.” She turned to leave the room. ”You must be starving. I'll bring you some food.”

”Um, thanks, uh...”

”I'm Hu Shi.” The lady smiled as she pressed a hand to her chest. I nodded and bowed.

”Thank you, Hu Shi.” Raising my head, I noticed that she was waiting by the door. Taking a deep breath, I introduced myself. ”Fei Wu.”

”I see. I'll be back, Fei Wu.”

Hu Shi disappeared through the door, and returned a few minutes later with a bowl of steaming soup. I accepted the tray and put it on my lap.

”Sorry, but this is all we have.” Hu Shi smiled apologetically. ”We don't have much in this village.”

”Nonsense, this is more than enough.” I bowed my head. ”Thank you very much. I really appreciate it!”

The soup was certainly simple, being nothing more than rice gruel and rib bones soaked in water. There wasn't much flesh on the meat, and the rice tasted bland, but after so many days of feeding off demonic monsters' meat, the plain dish was an immense welcome. Tears almost welled up in my eyes as I felt a surge of emotions. I couldn't help it. After all, I had never thought I would be able to eat rice and soup again.

”Be careful, it's hot,” Hu Shi warned me. I nodded.

”No problem!”

I had been through hell and back, after all. Both literally and metaphorically. A little scalding soup was nothing compared to the excruciating agony I had experienced throughout the past month or so. Had it really been a month, though? It felt like an eternity.


While I indulged myself in the soup, I heard a squeaky voice. Raising my head, I saw an emaciated little boy poking his head from behind the door.

”Hai'er, what are you doing here? Go out and play.”

Hu Shi quickly headed over to shoo him away. But the little boy shook his head and remained, clinging tightly to the door.

”Mommy, is that big brother finally awake?”

Uh, what did it look like? Did he think I was sleepwalking or something? Would someone still in a coma be able to sit up on a bed and eat?

Then again, the kid was no older than five. I guessed kids at his age should be allowed a stupid question or two.

”Yes. He's eating now. Let's not disturb him.”

”That's fine.” I waved at the boy. ”Um, hello. I'm Fei Wu.”

The boy looked at me curiously, and then nodded. Taking a step forward, he smiled proudly.

”I'm Hai. Hu Hai.”

”He's my son,” Hu Shi added, somewhat unnecessarily. Yeah, I mean, I figured that out long ago. But I didn't mention that and continued to plaster the smile on my face.

”Sorry for taking a room.” I looked around. ”Um…do you have any siblings?”

Hu Hai shook his head, even as he clung to his mother. The five-year-old shyly shrank back, using his mother as cover.

”I see. So you're an only child.” I turned to Hu Shi. ”Um, I'm sorry to disturb you and your family. Once I recover, I'll leave. I would pay you, but I don't have any money.”

”That's fine.” Hu Shi shook her head. ”We're the ones who should be sorry for not being able to be more hospitable.”

”No, not at all! You saved my life! I'm really grateful!”

Hu Shi merely smiled. ”I'm glad you think so. But in any case, you'll need a while to recover, so please don't worry about imposing on us. Don't rush and don't worry. You may stay as long as you like. In fact, we'll be more than happy to accommodate you.”

”Now that's a bit…”

While I appreciated the offer, I couldn't stay in the village forever. I still needed to return to Martial City. My family must be worried. My classmates were probably concerned too, except that damned Qi Fu Ren. Speaking of which, I also needed to take my revenge on that bastard.

”Ah, of course. I mean, we'll try to help you return home, but it's best if you rest for now.” Hu Shi raised both her hands. ”You were on the verge of death just three days ago, so it's best if you don't rush and force yourself.”

”I understand.”

Hu Shi smiled, satisfied, and then ventured forward to take the tray and empty bowl from my hands.

”It's good that you understand. For now just rest. I'll get Old Man Yi to check on you later.”


However, Hu Shi was paying no attention to my protests. Leading Hu Hai out of the room, she shut the door, leaving me alone once again.


As it turned out, Old Man Yi was the village's unofficial doctor. A man in his late eighties, he had retired as a medical physician long ago. While he was nowhere as proficient in healing techniques as the masters from the Green Dragon Sect, he was adept enough at treating my wounds.

”Hmm…” he mused as he took my wrist and checked my qi flow. ”No irregularities. In fact, you're healing a little too quickly.” He peered at me with his large, myopic eyes. ”If I hadn't known better, I would say that your recovery is miraculous.”

”Ha ha, well…” I couldn't exactly tell him that my physical constitution had somewhat been altered by my consumption of meat from demonic monsters. That sped up my healing significantly, which was why I woke up so soon.

”Even so, don't overdo it. Make sure you rest, or you'll open up your injuries again.” Yi tapped my arm and I winced from the pain. Despite my enhanced recuperative abilities, my arm was taking slower to heal.

The Hydra's toxins must have been really potent.

”But you're a martial artist, huh?” Yi was squeezing the muscles in my arm and he nodded, impressed. ”From Martial City?”

”Um, that's right.”

The old man chuckled. ”No wonder you're well-built.” He then rose to his feet and leaned on his walking stick. ”I'll check on you again tomorrow. Try not to move too much, you hear?”

”Yes, sir.”

But after he left, I was feeling pretty bored. There was no computer, no television, no Internet. I didn't even have a phone, having left it back in Martial Academy. We weren't allowed to bring our cellphones along during practical training sessions, after all. There was nothing for me to do and the boredom was driving me nuts…

Wait, there is something I can try…

Old Man Yi only told me that I shouldn't move too much, but he never said I couldn't meditate and circulate my qi.

Taking a deep breath, I sat cross-legged on top of the bed and began putting into practice the Heaven and Earth Formula breathing and qi circulating techniques that I had learned from Master during my time in the underworld.


Before I knew it, I had fully recovered. Even my left arm had healed completely and I could get rid of the bandages. There was no sign of injury, no sign that it had ever been poisoned. There wasn't even a scar.


”You…just what are you?”

Yi was staring at me in amazement. I merely shrugged in feigned nonchalance, not knowing how to answer.

”A martial artist.”

”Ah…are you at the Qi Fusion Stage or something?”