18 Chapter 17: The next step (1/2)
”Eh? You're going to teach me martial arts?”
”You can put it that way,” Teacher Jiao replied mysteriously. Then he paused and shook a finger at me. ”But that doesn't mean I'm your master. In the end, I'm just teaching you basic techniques that's available in the library and open to all public access.”
”Huh? But you said you're teaching me something that's better than any technique I can find in the library…”
”No, I said I'll be teaching you something that's better than any level 2 technique you can find in the library,” Teacher Jiao corrected me. He grinned. ”Don't let anyone know, but it's actually a level 5 technique.”
Holy…! What?! Teacher Jiao was going to teach me a level 5 technique?!
”Huh?! But I've only just learned a level 1 technique. How am I supposed to skip three levels and jump straight to level 5?”
Teacher Jiao held up a finger. ”Firstly, the set of techniques I'm teaching you will be very compatible with the Shadow Steps that you've mastered. And after testing you yesterday, I'm confident that you've established a solid foundation with those Shadow Steps.” He then held up a second finger. ”Secondly, if you ask me, I honestly think all these levels are bullshit. Sure, they might be a good estimate of the difficulty and usefulness of the technique, but it's kind of ridiculous to adhere to a rigid step-by-step, level-by-level progress for something like martial arts. Martial arts are a lot more fluid, innovative and flexible than that.”
”Uh…okay, Teacher Jiao.”
Inwardly, I couldn't help but be thrilled. Teacher Jiao actually shared the same sentiments as me. He also believed that all these levels and Star Constitutions thing were nonsense. I was glad I had a teacher like him.
”All right.” Teacher Jiao patted my back, then he turned and strode away. Raising a hand, he beckoned. ”Follow me.”
I obeyed, leaving Zhu Jiao, Xiao Zhang and the rest of the first year students behind. Most of them had already dispersed anyway, heading toward their dormitories or wherever it was that they took their breaks. I bet a significant number of them were on their way to their respective sects, intending to consult their masters on this training journey and hopefully use the chance to learn new skills and techniques.
None of them paid any attention to me. A few of my classmates sent curious looks after Teacher Jiao, but that was it. The other teachers were either leaving or answering the questions from concerned students who belonged to their respective classes.
It was tough being a teacher, huh?
Strangely enough, Teacher Jiao didn't bring me to a training facility, as I would expect. Instead, he proceeded toward one of the academy buildings. Initially I thought he was leading me to a classroom, but we ascended stairs after stairs, climbing all the way to the top.
Where is he bringing me?
No sooner than the thought left my mind when we arrived at the vast rooftop. Teacher Jiao pushed the door open, and suddenly we were bathed in sunlight. Without pausing, Teacher Jiao proceeded to the center of the rooftop. I followed apprehensively, and it occurred to me that Teacher Jiao might be planning to throw me off the rooftop and make my death look like an accident.
Stop thinking stupid things.
Why did he bring me up here, though? Out of sight of everyone, in a deserted place where there were only two of us?
Teacher Jiao glanced around, as if making sure no one could see us. From my position, I could still see Xiao Zhang, who had finally finished speaking to Zhu Jiao and was leaving for his office. Teacher Jiao waited until he disappeared before breathing a sigh of relief and turning back to me.
”Am I supposed to keep this a secret from the principal?” I asked intrigued by his behavior. Teacher Jiao smiled.
”No, you don't. Principal Xiao will find out about this eventually, especially when you start using these techniques, but by right I'm not supposed to be teaching you level 5 techniques. So technically I am breaking the rules.”
”Uh oh…” I gulped.
”Don't worry.” Teacher Jiao chuckled. ”Honestly, the academy isn't that rigid or strict. As long as you show results and prove your strength, you can pretty much get away with this. Wu Ling Academy prizes results above everything else…as long as you don't indulge in criminal behavior, anyway. So I'll be putting my faith in you to learn these well.”
”What are you going to teach me?” I asked curiously.
”You'll see. Let's begin immediately.”
Teacher Jiao turned away and proceeded to the other side of the rooftop. Once he distanced himself, he spun around to face me. I also rose to my feet and faced him, but at his signal, I stayed where I was.
”Watch carefully.”
I watched as Teacher Jiao adopted a stance I had never seen before.
”This will probably be the only time I'll be teaching you actual martial arts.”
”Huh?” I sounded a little disappointed. ”Then what do I do after learning this?”
”We'll discuss it when you actually master this set of martial arts.” Teacher Jiao smirked. ”To be honest, by then you will be at a level where you don't need me to teach you anything, and you would have unlocked access to other level 5 techniques.”
That was right. Level 5 was the highest level for all the martial arts techniques stored within the Wu Ling library. If I could get access to it, then I probably could pick any martial arts technique of my choice. But before I could get carried away, my attention was forcibly tugged back to the present.
”I'm only going to show you just once.” My homeroom teacher shrugged. ”After all, I'm not supposed to be teaching you level 5 martial arts techniques. I'm just showing it to you once, and whether you succeed in learning it or not is entirely up to you.”
So Teacher Jiao was using a loophole. He was practicing or showing off his techniques, and not exactly teaching me anything. If I wanted to learn anything from this, I had to watch him very carefully and commit every little detail to memory. I wondered if I would be able to do that. My memory wasn't exactly very good.
No excuses. I already decided to stop whining, to stop making excuses. So I'm going to do my best under my current circumstances.
”Ready?” Teacher Jiao asked. ”I'm just going to practice by myself. You're welcome to watch if you're interested.”
Hell yeah, I was interested. I smiled and sat back, watching carefully as Teacher Jiao turned back to face me.
I watched as he scraped his foot against the concrete, a small wisp of qi rising from his polished, black leather shoes.
”I'll be teaching you five basic footwork techniques.”
”Footwork techniques?” I repeated, puzzled. Now this was something I didn't see coming. I was half-expecting a proper martial arts technique such as a punch (Soul Crushing Strike!) or a kick (No Shadow Kick!), but I guess this worked as well.
”That's right. To be proficient in any martial arts, whether it is swordsmanship or punching techniques, you need a solid foundation in footwork before you begin.” He glanced at my feet. ”The Shadow Steps manual has been instructing you to run everyday. I've seen you judiciously follow that routine, gradually increasing the distance you cover day by day. Thanks to that, you have built up a firm base and shape your physical constitution for footwork.” He smiled and nodded encouragingly. ”I've watched you train by yourself, and I'm impressed by your determination and discipline. You really did your best not just to run, but also to improve your physical fitness and stamina with various exercises. I think you're finally ready.”
I swallowed and watched him carefully, trying my best not to miss anything.
”The first one is 'Advance' (jin). It allows you to move forward quickly, and is usually use to close the gap between you and your opponent in an instant.”
I frowned as I studied Teacher Jiao's movements, but he seemed like he was walking normally.
How is this any different from how he normally walks?
Then suddenly Teacher Jiao's feet turned into a blur, flickering and disappearing.
My eyes widened, and the next thing I knew, Teacher Jiao was right in front of me.
The fuck?! He closed at least fifty meters in just a millisecond?!
My jaw dropping, I backed away on instinct. While I was flustered, trying to absorb what was going on, Teacher Jiao reached out and tapped my chest.
”This is 'jin'.”
I pushed up my glasses as I marveled over the technique and ran through what I had just seen in my mind. Even though I was paying as much attention as possible, I still wasn't able to capture the movement. I gritted my teeth as I tried to visualize how Teacher Jiao did it, and replayed it in my head.
Unfortunately, Teacher Jiao wasn't going to wait for me to figure it out.
”And the second one is…”
Teacher Jiao was sliding backward, his feet flickering into a blur again. In another millisecond, he was suddenly back where he started, fifty meters away from me.
”'Retreat' (tui). As it name implies, it is a technique used for retreating from your opponent.”
Well, that was obvious. If there was a technique for advancing, then there must be a technique for retreating. I had expected that.
If Teacher Jiao was disappointed by my calm reaction and lack of shock, he didn't show it. Instead, he continued without missing a beat.
”And the third…”
Teacher Jiao disappeared completely from sight. I glanced around to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but he really wasn't there. I turned around, half-expecting to see him behind me, but I didn't manage to spot him.
”Oh, you're good.”
I did sense movement behind me before I turned around, though. And Teacher Jiao's voice spoke up from somewhere behind me.
”That's right. This is 'Evade' (duo), which allows you to evade your opponent's attacks and line of sight.”
I continued turning around in an attempt to keep him in my sights, but Teacher Jiao casually kicked my feet out from beneath me, causing me to topple over.