15 Chapter 14: Revelation (1/2)

Martial Academy GeSiLa 88950K 2022-07-22


Lying on the bed, I let out a sigh of relief. Teacher Yi Liao had immediately tended to me when she saw the horrible state I was in. at first she was furious, having believed that I was too reckless with training, but she glanced at Teacher Jiao, who shook his head.

Teacher Jiao probably told Teacher Yi what had transpired, for when I woke up, she had a gentle expression on her face that I rarely saw.

”Hang in there,” she told me. ”Get some rest. The school will take care of it.”

I didn't need to ask what ”it” was about.

After an hour of resting in bed and allowing my body to fully mend after Teacher Yi's treatment, I stood up, getting ready to be discharged.

”Oh, Fei Wu. You're finally okay?”

”Thanks to you, Teacher Yi.” I bowed to express my gratitude. ”You saved me.”

”No, it's nothing.” Teacher Yi waved my thanks away. ”Just doing my job.”

”Nonetheless, I'm still grateful.” I rubbed my chest. There was no sign of injury, not even a phantom pain that throbbed incessantly as a reminder of Mo Ying's punch. The same went for my face. Teacher Yi had even fixed my broken nose.

”Ah, before you go…wait here for a moment.”


I stared at Teacher Yi, bewildered, but she merely gestured for me to be patient as she retreated to her desk.

”Jiao Shi…Teacher Jiao wants to talk to you.”

”Ah…yeah. I understand.”

No doubt Teacher Jiao would want details of the bullying incident, and probably ask me to write a report. Basically, all the formalities that went with investigating the incident and bringing the high school seniors from the Dark Shadow Sect to justice.

I sat on the bed for a few minutes before the door to the infirmary opened and Teacher Jiao stepped in. he glanced at me and nodded in relief.

”Your healing techniques are as excellent as ever, Liao'er,” he told Teacher Yi. She smiled as she leaned back in her chair.

”Of course. Who do you think I am? Even though I look like this, I'm still a master from the Green Dragon Sect.”

”Yeah, I'm so grateful to you for taking care of my students.” Teacher Jiao then turned to me. ”Student Fei Wu, do you have a moment? I have something to discuss with you.”

”Sure.” Originally I thought this was going to be regarding the report of the incident, but Teacher Jiao's tone told me that this was more complex than that.

He led me to his office. At least that was what I first thought, but Teacher Jiao didn't stop even when we reached the staff room and walked past it. Glancing at the staff room, I hurried to follow him despite my confusion.

Where are we going? I wondered.

That question was answered less than a few minutes later when I found myself in front of the principal's office.

I immediately turned pale.

”Come on, go in. what are you waiting for?”

Teacher Jiao turned to look at me, puzzled by my hesitation. I gulped.

”Are we going to see Principal Xiao Zhang?”

”Yes.” Then Teacher Jiao burst out laughing when he suddenly understood my trepidation. ”Don't worry, the principal isn't going to reprimand you.”

”A reprimand is the least I'm worried about,” I muttered, remembering his treatment after the test. He literally called me trash. And no, I wasn't referring to my name.

”Don't worry…this time, the meeting will go better,” Teacher Jiao assured me. He then pushed me inside. ”Go in. Don't be afraid. I'll be there to help you.”

Without any choice, I obeyed and stepped into the office.

True enough, Xiao Zhang was waiting for me. Seated behind a massive mahogany table, with his hands steepled, he stared at me with his aged, steely eyes.

”Ah…Fei Wu.” His tone was cool, but at least it wasn't as condescending as before. ”So how have your first three months at the academy been?”


I wasn't sure how to reply. Rather, I wasn't sure what the right answer was. Was this some kind of test? Do I respond positively or negatively?

Teacher Jiao must have noticed my predicament, for he stepped in.

”Well, let's get straight to the point.” Teacher Jiao gestured for me to sit, then he took a seat beside me. There were a few chairs in the spacious office, and I had the impression that the room was often visited by officials, dignitaries and high-ranking representatives from all over the nation and beyond. ”This isn't the first time you've been attacked by students believing that you possess the Heaven and Earth Formula, right?”

”Wait?!” I jolted upright to glare at him. ”You knew?”

”Yes. I was ready to interfere and help you whenever necessary, but you handled them spectacularly.” He cast a glance at Xiao Zhang. ”Even though you're a mere One Star Constitution cultivator.”

”Did Tian Mo mention us?”

This time, it was the principal's turn to ask a question. I turned to him, bewildered.


”Tian Mo, the Absolute One, the former leader of the Heaven and Earth Sect before it was destroyed.” Teacher Jiao was on hand to helpfully supply the information.

”No, he never mentioned anything to me at all,” I replied, still trying my best to wrap my head around what was going on.

Teacher Jiao smiled as he leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands.

”You really have no idea what's going on, do you?”

”Uh…what's going on?”

Sorry, but I just had to ask. I honestly had no clue what they were trying to get at.

”To put it simply, the Martial Arts Alliance is a coalition of orthodox martial arts sects who gathered together before the last war in order to fight against the demonic sects who were rampaging throughout the middle continent.”

”Uh…I know that much, at least.” I was wondering why Xiao Zhang had to explain the obvious. He merely smiled.

”And the Wu Ling Academy is an organization established under the Alliance. Well, that's not exactly accurate. The Wu Ling Academy has a long, long history of being a school where all the disciples of different martial arts sects could gather and train alongside each other. The fierce competition and constant chance to spar against disciples from other sects provided an optimal environment for raising the strongest and best disciples.”

Yeah, but I already know that too…

I was still wondering why Xiao Zhang was explaining all that to me.

”But that's not the only purpose of Wu Ling Academy.”

Now that caught my attention. Not knowing what other purpose there could possibly be, I sat up rigidly and stared at Xiao Zhang intensely. The old man broke into an indulgent smile and sipped some coffee from his mug before continuing.

”You probably are already aware of this, but there exists thousands…tens of thousands of different martial arts all over the middle continent. Most of them stretch back to antiquity, ancient arts that preserve the arcane prowess of our ancestors, allowing the wielders to bend the elemental forces of nature to their will. But sects come and go, many have been destroyed, while many new ones are constantly created to take their place.”

”…I see.”

I wasn't sure what else to say, and I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

”One of the main purposes of Wu Ling Academy…” Xiao Zhang continued. ”…is to find all these lost ancient martial arts and restore them. To protect and preserve them, to create an archive that provides an infinite number of martial arts, catering to any number of disciples. This includes not only orthodox martial arts but also the so-called demonic martial arts.”

I felt a chill run down my spine. Xiao Zhang merely chuckled when he saw my reaction, and he waved his hand reassuringly.

”Relax. I'm not accusing you of anything.”


While I stammered, Xiao Zhang raised a hand to cut me off so that he could continue with his longwinded explanation.