14 Sarah (1/2)

”It's time to go Sarah. The xierh will be here anytime now,” Robert said.

”How do we get to the Phox mansion again?” I asked.

”It seems the metin rae is a slow learner,” Nathan grinned.

”Maybe it's because we don't have creatures coming through mirrors, where I come from.”

”Then you're primitive like I thought.”

”Sar is nearly the same as when you came here. We'll go through the mirror and then we'll be taken to the Phox mansion,” Robert said.

”It's going to be any second now. Remember, once you see the xierh, it'll start speaking to you, perhaps it'll ask your name,” Mitsuko said.

”It'll speak to me?” I asked.

”It will only be for security reasons. Nothing will happen to you,” Robert said.

”Even though I remember once when our friend Michael got his hands stuck inside a mirror, and it took him two days to get them out. Who says it won't happen this time? You seem to share the same intellect as him,” Nathan said.

”And no one cared enough to tell me this?” I asked.

”Don't worry Sar, it was Michael, he's not very bright to begin with, you won't make the same mistake. I swear it won't happen to you,” Robert said.

I stood in front of the mirror while I waited for something or someone. My reflection vanished as it appeared in front of me, standing immobile inside. I was not sure what would have happened, in my eyes this creature would have been like any common human being if it was not because of its one vivid ivory eye, which made it more peculiar than any person I had encountered before.

”What is your name?” the xierh asked, I could see its eye as it kept focusing on me.

”Sarah Wilson,” I said nervously.

”Mrs Wilson, do you accept the invitation of lady Jennifer Phox?”


”Ms Wilson, take your left hand and match mine,” it said as its left hand came out of the glass.

”Why would I need to match yours?”

”We need to be sure you are the real Sarah Wilson.”

”Don't worry Sar,” Robert said.

”It better not happen to me,” I said reluctantly, as I took a big breath and matched my hand with its own. Without realising it, perhaps my reflexes were not quick enough, the xierh took both of my arms, making my escape impossible to accomplish even if I wanted to, as it immobilized them inside the mirror, which felt like dense cement.

”Guys, I need your help. Now!” I shouted.

”Why should we? The meeting has not started yet and I'm having so much fun. I feel she's going to freak out,” Nathan laughed.

”What is happening?”

”Don't move Ms Wilson, you might get hurt otherwise.”

It grabbed my face and began to analyse me intensely, I had the sensation it was reading my mind. It examined the mark I had on my wrist and asked me again what my name was, even though I had already answered it earlier. This time, however, it seemed odd? I was not capable of lying to it, the thought was unthinkable. I knew what I said was the truth, but I felt as if I was being manipulated by this peculiar being.

Once it realised my answer had always been sincere, it lost the grip it had on me. My head felt lighter, as if a huge weight had been quickly removed from my shoulders and with it my ability to lie suddenly returned. It was as if for those few minutes, I forgot a simple action which has always been embedded in the human brain and nature.

”Ms Wilson, you and your team can follow me,” it said.

It felt unusual, just like when I went through Aliya's mirror, I had the impression time stopped suddenly. We walked down a long and obscure hallway, I was aware it was a mere perception, but my body felt as if it was under water and the more we walked, the more we could observe what was happening on the other side.

”We arrived!” it said.

As we entered the mansion, I was stunned by the magnificence of this place, it seemed like one of those manors I only heard of in fairy tales, even the dances seemed comparable to what I dreamt when I was a child.

”Welcome to the Phox mansion,” Nathan said in disdain.

”You must be Sarah,” a voice whispered.

I gave him one curious glance as he extended his hand to me, his dark complexion made his icy eyes stand out, as his many dark curls gave him an elegant attractiveness.