Part 24 (1/2)
”I have proofs,” says Rupert, ”absolute proofs.”
”Got the regulation old chart, eh,” says I, ”with the lone tree marked by a dagger?”
No, he didn't have a chart. He went on to say how the treasure was buried on a certain little island under a mound in the middle of a mangrove swamp. He'd been there. He'd actually helped dig into one corner of the mound. He had four pieces of jewelry that he'd taken out himself; and n.o.body knew how many chests full was left.
”Back up!” says I. ”Why didn't you go on diggin'?”
But he's right there with a perfectly good alibi. Seems, if he dug up anything valuable and got caught at it, he'd have to whack up a percentage with the owner of the land. Also, the government would holler for a share. So his plan is to keep mum, buy up the island, then charter a big yacht and cruise down there casually, disguised as a tourist. Once at the island, he could let on to break a propeller shaft or something, and sneak ash.o.r.e after the gold and stuff at night when the crew was asleep.
The Cap. explains that to do it right would take more cash than he could raise. Hence his proposition for lettin' in Mr. Robert to finance the expedition. No, he didn't know Mr. Robert personally, but he'd heard a lot about him in one way or another, and understood he was generally willin' to take a chance.
”Maybe you're right,” says I. ”Anyway, he shouldn't miss hearin' this lovely yarn of yours. You come back with me and I'll see if I can't fix it durin' the afternoon. Let's see, what did you say the name of this island was?”
”I didn't say,” says Rupert. ”I can tell you the old Spanish name, however, which no one on the west coast seems to know. It is Nunca Secos Key--meaning the key that is never dry.”
”Huh!” says I. ”That listens better in Spanish. Better not translate if you want to make a hit.”
”I am merely stating the facts as they are,” says Rupert.
He's a serious-minded gink, and all frivolous cracks are lost on him completely. He's a patient waiter, too. He sticks around for over two hours without gettin' restless, until finally Mr. Robert blows in from the club. First chance I gets, I springs Rupert on him.
”A guy with a great little scheme,” says I, winkin'. ”If you can spare ten minutes he'll tell you something worth while, so he says.”
”Very well,” says Mr. Robert. ”But ten minutes must be the limit.”
Say, it was rich, too, watchin' Mr. Robert's face as he listens to this weird tale of pirates and buried gold. First off he was tryin' to be polite, and only smiled sarcastic; but when Rupert gets to spreadin' on the romance, Mr. Robert starts drummin' his fingers on the desk and glancin' at his watch.
Right in the midst of the recital, too, Old Hickory drifts out of his private office, and stands waitin' with his ear c.o.c.ked. He has a report or something he wants to ask a question about, and I was lookin'
every minute to see him crash right in. But Rupert is in high gear, and goin' stronger all the while; so Mr. Ellins just stands there and listens. The Cap. had got to the part where he describes this mysterious island with the mound in the middle, when Mr. Robert shrugs his shoulders impatient.
”My good fellow,” says he, ”whatever gave you the notion I would be interested in such rubbish? Sorry, but your time is up. Torchy, will you show Mr.--er--what's-his-name to the elevator?”
Which I did as comfortin' as I knew how. Course, he's feelin' some hurt at bein' choked off so abrupt, but he takes it calm enough.
”Oh, well,” says he, ”perhaps I can find someone else who will appreciate that this is the opportunity of a lifetime.”
”Sure you can,” says I. ”Broadway's just lined with willin' ears.”
I'd loaded him into an elevator and was strollin' through the waitin'-room, when Old Hickory comes paddin' out as slinky as a man of his weight can.
”Young man,” says he, ”where is that Captain person?”
”About the tenth floor by now, sir,” says I.
”Bring him back,” says Mr. Ellins, sharp and snappy. ”Through the private entrance. Understand?”
I nods and makes a dive into an upbound car that's just makin' a stop at the seventeenth. ”Hey, Jimmy, reverse her! I'll square you with the starter. That's it. Shoot us down.”
So, when Rupert steps out on the ground floor, I'm there to take him by the arm and lead him back into the elevator.