Chapter 62: Long Walk (1/2)
Zula was wrong about one thing, Agni would love to visit the Silken Petal as much as possible. The erotic energy in the air made her body tingle, but she knew she had more pressing things to do. She quickly got dressed and made her way out of Sprim Row, taking special care with Shula's help to avoid being followed.
Based on Zula's information, the foes she defeated some time ago would still be incapacitated but who's to say different people wouldn't show up? That was one blessing of the First Death, weaker adventurers would always recover more quickly. As long as they could hide out to regain their strength all would be well.
Once she left the Entertainment District Agni then took a detour to Gadsten's shop. She wanted to thank Ren in person for his assistance in her time of need but the shop was closed. So she continued on, this time stopping at the Trainer's Chapel to speak to Bracha. Upon informing her of the altercation she asked a curious question.
”Did you see if any of the men who attacked you had this mark?” Bracha asked as she used her rune master mana to trace a particular symbol into the air. It blazed with blue energy before slowly fading away. The image reminded Agni of a skull with flames within it's hollow sockets.
”No, I don't think so.” Agni responded honestly. At this Bracha relaxed a bit, but also quickly changed the subject.
”Are you going to get here tonight? By yourself?” Bracha asked.
”Yea. No point waiting until tomorrow. Besides, I rested a bit already.” Agni replied.
”Spoken like a true adventurer.” Bracha said with a smile.
”Would you like me to come with you? I'll be happy to accompany you for a fee of 1,200 Gols.” She then added.
*Urgk. 1,200? That's blatant robbery.* Agni thought to herself.
*Yeap.* Shula said in agreement.
”And it's not robbery. I often hire my services out for well over 10,000 Gols.” Bracha added, as if she could read minds. She followed her sales pitch with a bright and cheery smile, which made it difficult for Agni to refute her statements even if she could.
”No, thank you. But soon!” Agni added before excusing herself to go on her first solo journey since she'd made her way to Adventia. Soon she was out of the city proper and headed into the nearby Lull Forest. She stuck to the path, mostly because she wanted to reach the Wilderness Tabernacle as quickly as possible. Her plan was to engage in a few battles, solo while she waited. Along the way Agni thought of many things, mostly the events of the past week and some days of living in Adventia. She'd already had a threesome, been robbed, forced to battle pokemon-esque creatures called Grimlock, met many colorful people and somehow managed to enter her first party.
She managed to grow more accustomed to life as a woman as well. If there was anything that today's events taught her -- it was to enjoy the moments while they last. Her perfect day was quickly ruined by a meaningless ambush.