Chapter 3: To Be An Adventurer (1/2)
Agni felt like a new person, for a moment she forgot herself and ran her fingers down the length of her body as a lip biting sensation of ecstasy overcame her. This didn't last long however as she realized almost all eyes were now on her.
She blushed and put her hands behind her back, her tail drooping somewhat as she tried her best to disappear. Agni glanced around at the women composing the crowd, all of them seemed different for the most part. Some still retained human forms but their hair or skin color was altered. Others had taken on the form of various types of beast men or monsters, slime girls, cyclops, nekomata -- so many variations. It seemed that Agni herself was the only exception in terms of demon type adventurer class.
”Excellent. Well done accepting the Systema everyone -- I'm sure now you understand why I didn't have you get clothed beforehand. Now, over the next three days I'll be teaching you how to make your living in this world as an adventurer. Adventia is a world where people like us enjoy numerous benefits. As adventurers we alone enjoy the ability of ”leveling”, that is near endless evolution that can grant us rapid power increases. Because there are well over two thousand different variations of adventurer classes in the world, how one gains is slightly different for each. For those of you centered around combat, you may gain experience more quickly by engaging in battle with a specific weapon as an example. Others may find that they can grow simply by crafting items, no matter your class it is customized according to the tasks best tailored to you.” Wayla explained.
”To access your Systema, simply lift your left hand and speak or think the words ”Systems Access”. Try it now.” Wayla commanded.
”Syste--” Before Agni could even finish her words her view was filled with various bars along the top left of the HUD and several small, circular icons in the lower right.
”You should see your basic HUD before you now. You can access any of the menus in the bottom right corner by speaking the name, or once again focusing on the icon. Try visiting your status menu, the icon with the heart shaped icon at the center.
Agni did as instructed effortlessly, though some of the women around her seemed to be having significant trouble.
”Let's see…”
[Agni Heartfyre]
[Age : 18]
[Class : Succubus Lvl : 0]
[Adv. Tier : 0 ]
[Health : 69/69]
[Mana : 25/25]
[Strength : 4 (6)]
[Agility : 6 (9)]
[Speed : 3]
[Soul : 9]
[Charm : 12]