Part 46 (1/2)
I had noted the black gown and cape-like mantle she wore, both plain, but neat and not an ill fit; and I had also wondered how she had happened to discard her old straw hat with the lopping green bows for the simple dark bonnet she wore, but she did not wait for my criticism.
'I'll tell you how't come,' she went on. 'I ain't blind, and I'd been a-noticin' the difference 'twixt my clo's and some of the rest of 'em; and I was specially took with them plain gownds them ladies wore that you interduced me to that day; an' I jest studied on it, and sort o' calkalated the expense, and then went up to the stores. I wanted a gray rig, like that Miss Ross had on, but I couldn't get none to fit, an' the young lady told me 't black was dredful fash'nable now, so I got this rig; an' 'twas lucky I did ter-day.'
What could she mean by this diversion? I was growing uneasy when she uttered the last words. 'Yes?' I said feebly.
'I s'pose you wonder what I'm drivin' at?' she queried. 'Well, it's comin'. Ye see, I was wearin' these clo's, and the goggles, as I call 'em, when I went sa'nterin' past that house; but I hadn't got to it, nor even to the s'loon yet, when a cab--one of them two-wheeled things, you know, with the man settin' up behind to drive.'
I nodded.
'Wal, it drove up, an' the man opened the door, right in front of that house, an' out got a woman; she was bigger than me, and all drest in black, an' she looked sort of familiar, an' jest as I was wonderin'
who she made me think of, an' she was a-paying the driver, up comes another cab, tearin', and out hopped two fat, red-faced perlecemen, an' there was a little squabble like, an' the woman flung herself round so't I could see her face, an' then I knew her.'
She paused as if for comment, but I was now too much amazed for words.
'I knew her in a minit,' she resumed, 'an' it was that woman that come stridin' into that rug place in Cayrow Street that day. She hadn't no long swingin' veil on this time, and she didn't look nigh so big 'longside them big perlecemen. She had give up quiet enough when she seen she had to; an' they put her into the cab an' drove away, with t'other one behind 'em. I walked pretty slow, so as not to come right into the rumpus, an' I thought, as I come acrost the alley, that I see somethin' a-layin' by the side-walk on the outside. I looked round, and seein' that every last winder was as dark as black, I stooped down to look at the things, an' here they air.' And she shook out with one hand a long black veil which she had drawn from her pocket, and held out with the other the snake-like speaking-tube.
'I c'n see you're in a hurry,' she said, dropping the veil and tube into her lap, 'an' I'll git to the pint now, right off. I wa'n't never no coward, and I jest ached to find out what them fellows was up to.
Mebbe if I'd stopped to think I wouldn't have run the risk, but while I stood there with them things in my hand a idee popped into my mind.
I looked round; there wasn't a soul near me, an' the winders was all dark, so't n.o.body could see me from the house, and of course they hadn't seen the woman git arristed an' took away. We didn't look much alike, but I thought mebbe they'd let me in, thinkin' 'twas her; and when I got in I'd tell 'em I'd found the trumpet at their door, and p'r'aps, if I felt like it, I'd say I'd seen a gentleman to the winder that I was 'quainted with; that is if he didn't come to the door.
Anyhow, I thought I'd try to make sure it 'twas him I see at the winder.'
I shuddered at her cool recital of such a daring venture; and yet I could see how, with her country training, she would see nothing so very serious or dangerous in thus thrusting herself into a strange house, gossip-like, 'to find out what was goin' on.' She took up the trumpet.
'I was used to these things,' she said, 'for my aunt on my mother's side used to live with me; she was a old maid an' she used one.
Stone-deef she was, a'most, but I didn't think then o' usin' this.
When I got onto the top step I felt 'most like runnin' off all of a sudden, but I set my teeth and give the bell a jerk. 'Twa'n't long before the door opened jest a crack, and I see an eye lookin' out. I meant to git inside before I said anything, so I kind o' give the speakin' trumpet, hangin' over my arm, a shake; it was 'most hid under the veil, you know; and then the door opened wider, and I see a woman.
My! the palest, woe-begon'dest woman I'd ever see, 'most. ”Oh!” she says, in a shaky, scairt sort o' voice, ”come in quick.” She looked so peaked and strange I jest stood starin' at her a minit, and all to once she reached out her hand and motioned to me; and as I stepped in she caught hold of the big end of the speakin' trumpet, and then I see that she thought I was deef; and quick as a wink it come to me to play deef 's long as I could--deef folks are allus makin' blunders--and then to 'polergize an' git out. So I stuck the tube to my ear.
'”You're the nurse?” she says through it, but not very loud, for a deef person, that is. ”Louder,” sez I. So she sed it real loud, an' I nodded.
'Then she motioned me to come into the room to the front, that I had seen the man look out of. It was 'most dark there, only there was a winder on the alley that 'peared to be all boarded up, only jest a slit to the top to let a little streak of light in. ”Set down a minit,” she says; an' when she let go of the trumpet her hand shook so't I could see it. She opened the door in the back of the room, an'
I see there was a screen on the other side so I couldn't see the room, but I got up an' tiptoed to the door. The carpet was awful thick there an' in the hall, though it was old enough too.
'She hadn't shet the door tight, an' I heard her say, ”Wake up, Bob.”
An' then a sort of question; an' she says ag'in, ”The nurse has come after all, and you can go and sleep now.” Then I heard a man say, ”What made the old gal so late, blast her eyes! I'd go an' give her a good old blessin' if she wasn't sech a crank-mouthed jade.” An' then he seemed to be stirrin', an' I 'most thought he was comin' in; but then he says, ”Git her in here, an' then git me somethin' ter eat. I can't sleep when I'm so holler.” ”Won't you come in an' speak to her, Bob?” says the woman, ”an' tell her 'bout the med'cin'; I'm so tired.”
'Then I was scairt ag'in, though I declare I felt sorry fer that poor crittur of a woman.
'But the man snarled at her, and says, ”Naw, I won't; I'm tired's you be. Hustle now, an' bring me the grub mighty quick.”
'I scooted back to my chair then, and in a minit or so she come in an'
motioned me to come into the other room. I see they had mistook me for some deef nurse, an' I begun to think I'd grabbed more'n I could hold, an' to wish I was out. But I went in, an' if ever a woman was struck all of a heap, 'twas me.'
She paused as if mentally reviewing the scene once more, and I fairly quivered with antic.i.p.ation and anxiety for what the next words might develop.