Part 22 (2/2)

”I had heard, had heard,” I answered cautiously, ”from sources I should judge unimpeachable, that such a work is undertaken-but is not yet launched upon the unsuspecting publick.”

”It does not, I trust, deal with piracy?”

”I believe the subject is Ordination.” I glanced at her with considerable apprehension, to learn how so fas.h.i.+onable a member of the ton ton should receive such a tedious topic. should receive such a tedious topic.

Mona closed her eyes in relief. ”Thank Heaven. My dear Jane, should you care to join me at Donaldson's? We might enquire the t.i.tle of Miss Jennings. She is certain to know it.”

”With pleasure,” I said; and linking arms, we strolled off in the direction of Marine Parade.


Q: Your ten-book series about Jane Austen as detective has carried readers through more than a decade of the novelist's life, from December 1802 to what is now the spring of 1813 in Your ten-book series about Jane Austen as detective has carried readers through more than a decade of the novelist's life, from December 1802 to what is now the spring of 1813 in Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron. Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron. How closely do you follow the historical record of Austen's life, and how much of the series is pure fiction How closely do you follow the historical record of Austen's life, and how much of the series is pure fiction?A: Some of the books are so faithful to Jane's letters that I've used the actual calendar of her week as the structure of the novel-and included everyone she mentions as a character. But others, like Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron, are complete invention. Although Jane chose Brighton as the site of Lydia Bennet's infamous elopement in Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice, there's no record of her ever having visited the town, for example, and certainly none of her having met Lord Byron. And to be fair, the man was never taken up for murder in 1813. But I knew Jane had seen almost every major town on the Channel Coast over the years; I knew she read Byron's poetry-she refers to several of the poems in her letters, and in her novel Persuasion Persuasion-and they had acquaintances in common. It was just within the realm of possibility for them to meet. I like the realm of possibility; it's the bedrock of all my writing, and far more interesting than the known world. When I saw that Byron was writing that spring about a doomed love affair and a drowned girl-and that he made a habit of sailing in Brighton-I knew I had to place Jane in the town. And remarkably, at Byron's death in 1824 he was laid in state not not at Westminster Abbey, which refused to have him-but at the London home of f.a.n.n.y Knatchbull, Jane Austen's niece. No one has ever explained why. at Westminster Abbey, which refused to have him-but at the London home of f.a.n.n.y Knatchbull, Jane Austen's niece. No one has ever explained why.Q: Brighton seems like the last place Jane would be comfortable. In fact, she derides it in Brighton seems like the last place Jane would be comfortable. In fact, she derides it in Pride and Prejudice. Pride and Prejudice.A: True. But she was always happy to go anywhere a friend was willing to take her, which is why her brother Henry is so vital to the story. Henry was fas.h.i.+onable and ambitious and well connected to people in the Prince Regent's set, who would have descended on Brighton by April for the Royal birthday. Henry would absolutely love love the frivolity and display, the pretty and available women, the horse races and the crowd of gamblers at Raggett's Club. Given that he was in mourning-and that we know Jane spent both late April and late May in London with him-it seemed logical to send them off to the seaside during the intervening weeks, to recover from the death of the incomparable Eliza. the frivolity and display, the pretty and available women, the horse races and the crowd of gamblers at Raggett's Club. Given that he was in mourning-and that we know Jane spent both late April and late May in London with him-it seemed logical to send them off to the seaside during the intervening weeks, to recover from the death of the incomparable Eliza.Q: Was Byron as promiscuous as you suggest Was Byron as promiscuous as you suggest?A: He was far more promiscuous than I suggest! He seemed to require constant s.e.xual stimulation, from a variety of women-usually twenty years his senior-and young boys. There's a suggestion he forced himself on Lady Oxford's eleven-year-old daughter while staying at her estate, Eywood; and he certainly had an incestuous relations.h.i.+p with his half sister Arabella, and fathered one of her children. When he eventually married Annabella Millbanke-a cousin of Caro Lamb's-the relations.h.i.+p lasted barely a year. Although she would never disclose what Byron had done to her, Annabella was probably physically and s.e.xually abused. Byron was not a mentally healthy man. He was far more promiscuous than I suggest! He seemed to require constant s.e.xual stimulation, from a variety of women-usually twenty years his senior-and young boys. There's a suggestion he forced himself on Lady Oxford's eleven-year-old daughter while staying at her estate, Eywood; and he certainly had an incestuous relations.h.i.+p with his half sister Arabella, and fathered one of her children. When he eventually married Annabella Millbanke-a cousin of Caro Lamb's-the relations.h.i.+p lasted barely a year. Although she would never disclose what Byron had done to her, Annabella was probably physically and s.e.xually abused. Byron was not a mentally healthy man.Q: Byron is called a mad poet in this novel, but frankly Lady Caroline Lamb seems a bit more unhinged. How faithful to the actual woman is your portrait Byron is called a mad poet in this novel, but frankly Lady Caroline Lamb seems a bit more unhinged. How faithful to the actual woman is your portrait?A: Oh, my goodness-I was probably far kinder to poor Caro than she deserves! I think today she'd be diagnosed as manic-depressive. Or possibly a narcissist. Or both. She was certainly volatile in her moods, violent in her rages, compulsive in her attachments, and extreme in her self-destruction. A few months after Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron ends, in July 1813, Caro put herself completely beyond the pale of good society by attending a waltz party at the home of one Lady Heathcote. She encountered Byron in the dining room, and when he avoided her, she smashed a wine goblet and tried to slash her wrists with the shards of gla.s.s. She had to be carried screaming from the party, and from that moment forward, she was rarely invited anywhere again. William Lamb, her husband, nearly divorced her that time-but he found it impossible to abandon Caro. He sent her into exile at his family's country estate instead, which for Caroline Lamb was probably a kind of death-in-life. ends, in July 1813, Caro put herself completely beyond the pale of good society by attending a waltz party at the home of one Lady Heathcote. She encountered Byron in the dining room, and when he avoided her, she smashed a wine goblet and tried to slash her wrists with the shards of gla.s.s. She had to be carried screaming from the party, and from that moment forward, she was rarely invited anywhere again. William Lamb, her husband, nearly divorced her that time-but he found it impossible to abandon Caro. He sent her into exile at his family's country estate instead, which for Caroline Lamb was probably a kind of death-in-life.Q: Speaking of death-in-life, how deeply attached was Jane to her cousin and sister-in-law, Eliza de Feuillide, whose death opens the book Speaking of death-in-life, how deeply attached was Jane to her cousin and sister-in-law, Eliza de Feuillide, whose death opens the book?A: I think Jane was one of the few Austens, other than Henry, who truly loved her. Jane was witty and sophisticated enough to enjoy Eliza's essential nature, which was frivolous, fun-loving, and profoundly of the moment. Eliza connected Jane to the Great World, and her kindheartedness and intelligence would more than make up for any French pretensions she persisted in displaying. The rest of the Austens seemed to mistrust Eliza as a bad influence. But her amus.e.m.e.nts were so tame-she never appears to have hurt Henry in any way, and added greatly to his consequence and comfort-that one wonders whether there was not a bit of envy at the base of the family's poor opinion.Q: And yet Jane and Henry go on And yet Jane and Henry go on.A: You had to go on, in those days. People died left and right. In the course of her life, Jane would lose four sisters-in-law, most in childbirth. She lost her father, of course, and her close friend Madame Lefroy. And eventually the Austen family would lose Jane herself, far too young. To be a citizen of the world in 1813 was to be intimate with death. You had to go on, in those days. People died left and right. In the course of her life, Jane would lose four sisters-in-law, most in childbirth. She lost her father, of course, and her close friend Madame Lefroy. And eventually the Austen family would lose Jane herself, far too young. To be a citizen of the world in 1813 was to be intimate with death.Q: You make use of a very convenient tunnel in this book. Is that an invention too You make use of a very convenient tunnel in this book. Is that an invention too?A: Actually, no. The Prince Regent liked to get around Brighton without being seen-particularly in his later years, when he was obese and somewhat crippled by his size. He had a number of tunnels built to and from the Pavilion, and three of them survive in the present-day Royal Pavilion complex, connecting modern concert and public performance venues erected in the former stable block.Q: What's ahead for Jane Austen?A: She's going to travel to Kent in the autumn of 1813, for a protracted visit to her wealthy brother Edward. At this point in her life she's publis.h.i.+ng her third novel, Mansfield Park Mansfield Park, and gathering material for Emma Emma, which she's forced to dedicate to the Regent! Kent is another secure and comfortable world full of rich and famous families; but the Pilgrim's Way to Canterbury Cathedral also runs through Edward's estate, G.o.dmersham Park. A mysterious stranger will find his end there, in Jane and the Canterbury Tale Jane and the Canterbury Tale.


STEPHANIE B BARRON is the author of the standalone historical suspense novels is the author of the standalone historical suspense novels A Flaw in the Blood A Flaw in the Blood and and The White Garden The White Garden, as well as the Jane Austen mystery series. As Francine Mathews, she is the author of the Nantucket series, as well as acclaimed standalone novels, including the thriller The Alibi Club The Alibi Club. She lives in Evergreen, Colorado, where she is at work on the next Jane Austen mystery, Jane and the Canterbury Tale Jane and the Canterbury Tale, which Bantam will publish.
