Part 15 (2/2)

The prey came down hesitantly, halted at the front b.u.mper, and again said, ”Henri?”

He was a large one. Apparently he'd been goofing off in one of the cars, and now he was worried and wondering if he'd been caught.

Bolan did not have time to wait the guy out. He brought the Beretta up and closed the distance be-tween them with a silent but shattering Parabellum cruncher.

Bolan fed that body in on top of the other one, closed the door, and went on to the house.

Except for the front gate, that should have taken care of the outside men.

Bolan did not give a d.a.m.n about the front gate.

He went in through the French doors off the courtyard and turned into the east wing, pa.s.sing through a darkened hallway and into the fully-lighted dining room.

A television eye glared at him from a wall station. He phutted a bullet through it and continued on past the butler's pantry and into another short hallway without changing pace. Over a door in the far wall was another eye. He moved swiftly beneath it and covered the lens with his hand, rapped on the door, and said, ”Heyl”

A bored voice, mechanically reproduced through a speaker beside the television camera, responded with, ”Yeah, what.”

”You got some eyes out in there?”

”Well... yeah. I was just fixin' to call about it. What the h.e.l.l is it?”

No false security, eh?

”Open the d.a.m.n door and I'll fix it,” Bolan growled. ”What the h.e.l.l you been doing, sleeping?”

”h.e.l.l no, I told you I was just A buzzer sounded and the door opened to Bolan's pressure.

He stepped inside and a fat man with a face like red wine cried, ”Whuuup” and made a lunge toward his shoulder holster.

The Beretta won the race by a lifetime. Blood and pulpy flesh and splintered bone splattered across the television monitors. Bolan stepped back to the hallway and clicked the door shut.

The next stop was the kitchen.

Only a night light was burning and no one was present there. He found the power panel and a thoughtfully-placed flashlight in a little alcove near the door and pulled the main disconnect, removed the cartridge fuses, and dropped them into a garbage can.

There were no lights-nor anything else electrical-operating in the big joint now.

Bolan was standing in total, choking darkness.

He stepped to the window and checked the progress of the sun, then he snapped on tkje tkje flashlight and went quickly back through the dining room. flashlight and went quickly back through the dining room.

People were astir when he reached the entry hall at the front of the house. The sentry dog was growling uneasily and his handler was trying to calm the big animal. Several shadowy figures had stepped in through the doorway from the west wing, swearing and groping their way through the darkness.

Bolan was the man with the flashlight, and obviously the man with the answers.

A snarlingly unhappy face appeared in the spot and the guy asked, ”What the h.e.l.l happened?”

Behind that beam. Bolan knew that he was practically invisible. He replied, ”Power failure. Just relax.”

”Relax h.e.l.l,” another voice protested. ”You can't see your hand in front of your face in here. How long's it gonna be out?”

The rest of your life, Bolan wanted to say. Instead, he said, ”Sun's rising pretty soon. If you're scared of th' dark, go outside. It'll be light out there in a minute.”

”f.u.c.k that,” somebody commented.

”Sounds good to me,” someone else argued. ”Where the h.e.l.l's the door? s.h.i.+ne that light over on the door, huh?”

That ancient animal dwelling within man still found himself nervous and uncertain about the dark.

Bolan obligingly spotted the door with the flashlight.

He counted five men moving through the open doorway.

Then he told the man with the dog, ”Take that b.a.s.t.a.r.d outside and shut 'im up...”

The guy did so, without a murmur, leaving the door open.

Bolan crossed over and into the west wing. It was set up with a hallway running the full length along the center, doors opening onto offices and rooms to either side.

One of those doors now stood open and people were loitering about in uneasy att.i.tudes along the darkened hallway, and all eyes turned toward the beam of light from Bolan's flash.

Bodyguards, Bolan read it.

He announced in a loud voice, Tower failure. Don't worry, it'll be okay in a minute or two.”

One of the men growled, ”It's already been a minute or two.”

Another door opened then, farther down, admitting a feeble seepage of yellow light into the hall. According to Grimaldi's diagram, that should be the conference room.

A large man moved through the open doorway, and a man close to Bolan hastened to explain to the new arrival, ”Power failure, boss. It's being taken care of.”

Another close voice demanded, ”Hey you, guy, give the boss the flashlight.”

The big man said, ”Never mind, we got candles. Relax, it's not the end of the world. This is Haiti, not Baltimore. Things like this happen here. What's the matter? Can't you boys read your cards in the dark?”

Someone chuckled.

The big guy said, ”It'll be daylight pretty soon. Relax.” He spun gracefully around and went back through the doorway.

And then Bolan realized who he was.

Big Gus Riappi.

He called out, ”Gus!”
