Vol 2 Prologue (1/2)

Volume 2



I am Mira, the daughter of a farmer from the Ilga Village in Fimeria Kingdom. Right now, I am six year old! One day, my head was. .h.i.t by a ball that was kicked by my childhood friend, Gai, and I ended up remembering parts of my previous life. Tehe.

……I can’t do this. Rejected. It is impossible to continue writing with this kind of tone!

I put a big cross mark on the sentence that I had thought of in my mind and began thinking of a new sentence.

I want to leave something like a message to act as a guide, if by any chance, there is another j.a.panese ── doesn’t matter if they are reincarnated or transported ── in this world. Of course, if I’m still alive, then there is a possibility of meeting with them.

However, this is quite hard for me to do. If I use the sentence the way I had thought of before, then it will be hard for me to maintain such way of talking from the beginning to the end, and also, now that I thinkit, won’t it make the reader cringe? Yeah, maybe I need to stop doing this.

Having saying that  ── The Fimeria Kingdom’s Magic Academy Selection Test that is conducted every 3 years came to Ilga Village. Maybe because I remember parts of my previous life’s memories just before the test, when I was tested, the result: “Huge Magic Power with Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Attribute” ── this sentence is too stiff.

Then the first sentence will be ── Aren’t the three-head tall Spirits so indescribably cute. Rejected, rejected.

Maybe I need to write it in diary style?

But, since I don’t want it to be read by someone just out of curiosity, perhaps I should write something like 「You will be cursed, you know?」

However, if due to my magic development I become an important and famous person whose name pa.s.sed down through the history, then they might ended up believing that it is a real curse. *evil laugh*kusukusu*evil laugh*

While I thinking half-jokingly and half-seriously, I am strutting in the middle of Fimeria Kingdom’s Royal Castle with Gai.

After I was evaluated at the selection test with an affinity to all attribute and a relatively high magic power, I received the country’s subsidy and a support before enrolling into the Magic Academy at the capital.

Together with Gai, who also pa.s.sed the same requirements, I travelled to the Capital accompanied by the Knights. When we arrived, who would’ve imagined that our supporter was the Royal Family? Furthermore, we wouldn’t be staying in the student dormitories but in the Royal Castle.

We were then immediately greeted and permitted to have audience with the His Majesty the King, but His Majesty, who is a dandy grandpa. The first heir to the throne, the Crown Prince, is of the same age as my parents. Of course, he already has children. A 14 years old Prince and 6 years old Princess.

The Prince is a template silky blonde hair blue eyed prince. Although he has a smile as beautiful as flowers, he is actually a black-hearted schemer.

I was really surprised by the sudden marriage proposal when we first meet. However, I quickly realized that he was after a political marriage for my magic power, so I refused. Since I’ve been a commoner even since my previous life, becoming the wife of the second heir to the throne is absolutely impossible. Do you want to make a hole in my stomach from stress?

The Princess, who is of the same age as me, has a fluffy platinum blond hair and  pair of blue eyes. Princess is extremely cute.

She is a bit of a tsundere-brocon and shy of strangers. However, in her own domain, the castle, she isn’t that shy. The first time I realized that Princess is shy was when we went to the Academy. Since she was completely different from when she guided me through the castle, it was really surprising.

Although, Princess took the trouble of showing me around in the castle, thanks to how awesome my memory power is, I completely didn’t remember the way around the place.*sarcasm*

That isn’t a problem. At least, I wouldn’t get lost within my minimal habitat. If I got lost, then I could ask the people to show me the directions, otherwise they personally took me to the destination. However, when they brought me through a place that people seldom pa.s.s by, they would ask, 「Is it true that the Prince proposed to you?」

Since it was obvious they wouldn’t be satisfied if I tell them lies, I answered,「I have declined it, since it was too much for someone with my position.」── or rather, they wouldn’t believe it if I answered, 「No」.

Since I am grateful that I received benefit of Royal Family’s support due to my magic cheat, but it also a troublesome thing.

So the sum of plus and minus is zero? No-no, of course the troublesome things are more numerous. There is a high possibility that the cheat will be the seeds of trouble. Although I had decided that I will use the cheat effectively since it couldn’t be helped that I possess it, a troublesome thing is still “No Thank You Very Much”. If I hold a cheat ability, I wish that it also come with an ability to evade trouble.

Back to the topic. Fortunately, there is no need for me to ask anyone to show me the way to place that I’m going to now. Since it is a place that is like a mountain of treasure to me, I perfectly remembered it. After all, Humans are a creature that will demonstrate high memory capacity for the things they hold great interest in.

My feet stop when I arrive in front of a large gate. It was the place of my destination.

The Library inside the Royal Castle of Fimeria kingdom.

This world doesn’t have any printing technology, so book aren’t cheap; however, this place is the center of the country.

The necessary books are purchased or donated from the n.o.bles.

In addition, the royal magicians presented their research papers to this place.

In other words, this library is a place where knowledge gathered.

The academy also have library, but the collection in the Castle’s library is overwhelmingly larger. Perhaps, if I didn’t receive the Royal Family’s patronage, then I wouldn’t be able to enter this place. Yeah, I am honestly thankful for this.

Gai opened the door to the library.

「Thank you.」(Mira)


After having such exchange of words in low voice, we enter the room. Inside the vast interior, large bookshelves are lined in rows with books neatly arranged inside it. Just by seeing the bindings of the books, I felt so moved inside my chest.

(Ah, there are so many book)

When I took a step into the room, the other people inside the room turned their attention to me, but I didn’t mind them. While being enraptured by the scent peculiar to old books, I headed towards my usual seat.

To satisfy my greed for reading, I am finally able to fluently read this world’s aphabets through untiring endeavors, so of course this is the place that I want to go to by all means. The reason is that the Academy’s Library doesn’t permit books to be read other than the fundamental books needed by the elementary students. Well, this place is also the Academy’s Library, they don’t really welcome small children from coming and going.

After all, all the books in this place are handwritten and a child could unintentionally treat these books roughly. It will be a disaster if the books get damaged ── But that doesn’t means that it is okay to damage ma.s.s produced books. Everyone, please treat the books politely.

That’s why it’s difficult for a child like me to enter this place. However, I want to read books no matter what. Magic books, reference books, and many other books. Then it came to me, I can just ask my supporter. Since the Academy is a place where social status held no merit, even if my supporter is the Royal Family itself, I won’t receive any special treatment. However, if it’s Castle’s Library, then……

But, can a commoner make a request to His Majesty the King?

Although he is my supporter, the hurdle is too high. It is as high as the hurdle for pole vaulting.

Then His Majesty the Crown Prince is also impossible for the same reason. However, I still haven’t given up since I remembered something. Didn’t the Prince said that he would give Gai and me a birthday present?

My birthday has already pa.s.sed, since it was on the tenth day of the First Month, and so did the New Year. As Gai’s birthday draw near, although for me, it was just a day for me to become one year older, the Prince said this to me.

「It is regrettable that I couldn’t celebrate Mira-san’s birthday last year. If you didn’t meet with the Mana Eater on your way here, then we might have been able to. That’s right, let me give you both a present including the present for Mira-san’s last year share. Please inform me if you have decided what do you want for the last year’s present.」

Afterward, Gai told the Prince his wish, and Prince presented him a set of sculptures for Gai’s birthday. Gai, who received it just like he wanted, was really delighted. Seeing this, then there’s a large possibility for my wish to be granted. As a person who he proposed to, I may just over thinking it, like, it might his plan to court me. That’s why, I decided to not make any request for myself.

Well, what happened next was kind of fuzzy for me, but in the end, I asked the Prince to mediate between me with the Library’s Supervisor. It’s the first time I begged for something.

I was given the following terms to enter the library: 【Don’t make any noise, don’t eat or drink, and don’t take a book without permission from the Library】, but I immediately replied, 「I even will swear in the name of Spirit Kings」, so that I would be granted permission to enter the library.

「Do you really wanted to enter the library?」(Ainseld)

Although Prince was a bit disappointed that my first request was to get permission to use the Library, for me this worth more than anything else. Even more than gems. That’s why when he answered 「Alright」, I clenched my fist in satisfaction. I am really thankful for him.

Henceforth, immediately after returning from the Academy or after finis.h.i.+ng breakfast on a day without school, I will right away head towards the library and read a large numbers of picture books, magic research doc.u.ments, or other books describing the other races such as the dragons.

Although most of the books were written on papers, but there are also books made from parchment or Magic Beast’s hide. There even a rare book which use dragon scales for some of its binding and, even just by picking it up, I’m really immersed in the mood that this is a Fantasy World.

The only one who follows me from behind is my childhood friend, Gai. Guno and my other contracted Spirits are not here. The mischievous Spirits are prohibited from entering the library. I’m wondering a bit what are they doing right now.

Inside the crystal ball used for the Academy’s Entrance Selection Test, there were four small Spirits. They, who could manipulate earth, water, fire, and wind, requested me to give them names. Even since that time, they are contracted to me and calls me Master. But rather than master and servant relations.h.i.+p it is more like a relations.h.i.+p between friends.

I am suddenly reminded the incident happened during the meal. When I said I will going to the library tomorrow’s morning, Dine the Water Spirit sulked with tears in her small eyes.

✦✧✦ *Flashback*

『Recently Master is so engrossed with books, that you don’t play with me anymore.』(Dine)

Even if you say it like that…… The texts are calling for me, after all!

By the way, the Spirits don’t understand what being book junkie is about. However, it isn’t like I don’t feel any guilt. Then I joined my hand and apologized.[1]

「I’m sorry. Although I think practicing magic is fun, but reading the books to know what kind of magics are devised by other magicians is also amusing as I might happen to find a good idea.」(Mira)

Since I want to develop many magic and magic tools, I was pondering what kind of approaches should I use from the books, and thinking about how to arrange the magic was also interesting. If I registered magic with the Spirit Society and received the remuneration from it, then I can send remittance to my family. Although as a child, I also not forgetting to play. In my case, play = reading, though.

「I plan to practice flying magic in the afternoon. Also, since it’s become warmer lately, I want to cool myself with water before practice. Okay? Dine, can you lend me your power?」(Mira)

Dine’s face immediately became brightened, but maybe because out of consideration of the other children’s feeling, she quickly mended her expression. Seeing her like this, Guno, the Earth Spirit, slipped out a chuckle.

『Even if only Dine gets to use the magic, I won’t envy Dine. Furthermore, since it won’t be good for Spirits to enter the Library, I think it will be better to not follow Master to the Library.』(Guno)

『I don’t like this one a bit. Even so, Master will use Wind Magic, right? Right?』(Rufi)

Me too, me too. Rufi, the Wind Spirit, emphasized, so I replied her with a smile.

「Un, of course I will.」(Mira)

I want to see if I can sprinkling water over me like a sprinkler by generating wind and creating mist spray of fine water particles. Since I only use water magic Mist for repairing my bed hair.

When I look at the last one, Sala the Fire Spirit, he said 『Since it hot, you won’t use Fire Magic, right?』 and turn his face away in a bad mood.

「Hey Sala, tomorrow might be impossible, but next time, don’t you want to see if it’s possible to cool water using heat manipulation?」(Mira)

Not only about the application of heat, but if we can manipulate the heat itself, then I can make ice with Water Magic, it might be also convenient if I can invent a Water Magic Stone with a refrigerating effect. By the way, a magic stone is a core of magic beast or demon that is obtained after defeating them and is packed with magic power.