Part 13 (1/2)
Wis.h.i.+ng to round off the episode, he added: ”We are all so glad that you have come.”
”Here we are!” called Freddy.
”Oh, good!” exclaimed Mr. Beebe, mopping his brow.
”In there's the pond. I wish it was bigger,” he added apologetically.
They climbed down a slippery bank of pine-needles. There lay the pond, set in its little alp of green-only a pond, but large enough to contain the human body, and pure enough to reflect the sky. On account of the rains, the waters had flooded the surrounding gra.s.s, which showed like a beautiful emerald path, tempting the feet towards the central pool.
”It's distinctly successful, as ponds go,” said Mr. Beebe. ”No apologies are necessary for the pond.”
George sat down where the ground was dry, and drearily unlaced his boots.
”Aren't those of willow-herb splendid? I love willow-herb in seed. What's the name of this aromatic plant?”
No one knew, or seemed to care.
”These abrupt changes of vegetation-this little spongeous tract of water plants, and on either side of it all the growths are tough or brittle-heather, bracken, hurts, pines. Very charming, very charming.”
”Mr. Beebe, aren't you bathing?” called Freddy, as he stripped himself.
Mr. Beebe thought he was not.
”Water's wonderful!” cried Freddy, prancing in.
”Water's water,” murmured George. Wetting his hair first-a sure sign of apathy-he followed Freddy into the divine, as indifferent as if he were a statue and the pond a pail of soapsuds. It was necessary to use his muscles. It was necessary to keep clean. Mr. Beebe watched them, and watched the seeds of the willow-herb dance chorically above their heads.
”Apooshoo, apooshoo, apooshoo,” went Freddy, swimming for two strokes in either direction, and then becoming involved in reeds or mud.
”Is it worth it?” asked the other, Michelangelesque on the flooded margin.
The bank broke away, and he fell into the pool before he had weighed the question properly.
”Hee-poof-I've swallowed a pollywog. Mr. Beebe, water's wonderful, water's simply ripping.”
”Water's not so bad,” said George, reappearing from his plunge, and sputtering at the sun.
”Water's wonderful. Mr. Beebe, do.”
”Apooshoo, kouf.”
Mr. Beebe, who was hot, and who always acquiesced where possible, looked around him. He could detect no paris.h.i.+oners except the pine-trees, rising up steeply on all sides, and gesturing to each other against the blue. How glorious it was! The world of motor cars and rural Deans receded illimitably. Water, sky, evergreens, a wind-these things not even the seasons can touch, and surely they lie beyond the intrusion of man?
”I may as well wash too”; and soon his garments made a third little pile on the sward, and he too a.s.serted the wonder of the water.
It was ordinary water, nor was there very much of it, and, as Freddy said, it reminded one of swimming in a salad. Three gentlemen rotated in the pool breast high, after the fas.h.i.+on of the nymphs in Gotterdammerung.y But either because the rains had given a freshness or because the sun was shedding a most glorious heat, or because two of the gentlemen were young in years and the third young in spirit-for some reason or other a change came over them, and they forgot Italy and Botany and Fate. They began to play. Mr. Beebe and Freddy splashed each other. A little deferentially, they splashed George. He was quiet: they feared they had offended him. Then all the forces of youth burst out. He smiled, flung himself at them, splashed them, ducked them, kicked them, muddied them, and drove them out of the pool. But either because the rains had given a freshness or because the sun was shedding a most glorious heat, or because two of the gentlemen were young in years and the third young in spirit-for some reason or other a change came over them, and they forgot Italy and Botany and Fate. They began to play. Mr. Beebe and Freddy splashed each other. A little deferentially, they splashed George. He was quiet: they feared they had offended him. Then all the forces of youth burst out. He smiled, flung himself at them, splashed them, ducked them, kicked them, muddied them, and drove them out of the pool.
”Race you round it, then,” cried Freddy, and they raced in the suns.h.i.+ne, and George took a short cut and dirtied his s.h.i.+ns, and had to bathe a second time. Then Mr. Beebe consented to run-a memorable sight.
They ran to get dry, they bathed to get cool, they played at being Indians in the willow-herbs and in the bracken, they bathed to get clean. And all the time three little bundles lay discreetly on the sward, proclaiming: ”No. We are what matters. Without us shall no enterprise begin. To us shall all flesh turn in the end.”
”A try! A try!” yelled Freddy, s.n.a.t.c.hing up George's bundle and placing it beside an imaginary goal-post.
”Socker rules,” George retorted, scattering Freddy's bundle with a kick.
”Take care my watch!” cried Mr. Beebe.
Clothes flew in all directions.
”Take care my hat! No, that's enough, Freddy. Dress now. No, I say! ”
But the two young men were delirious. Away they twinkled into the trees, Freddy with a clerical waistcoat under his arm, George with a wide-awake hat on his dripping hair.
”That'll do!” shouted Mr. Beebe, remembering that after all he was in his own parish. Then his voice changed as if every pine-tree was a Rural Dean. ”Hi! Steady on! I see people coming, you fellows!”
Yells, and widening circles over the dappled earth.
”Hi! hi! Ladies!” Ladies!”
Neither George nor Freddy was truly refined. Still, they did not hear Mr. Beebe's last warning or they would have avoided Mrs. Honeychurch, Cecil, and Lucy, who were walking down to call on old Mrs. b.u.t.terworth. Freddy dropped the waistcoat at their feet, and dashed into some bracken. George whooped in their faces, turned and scudded away down the path to the pond, still clad in Mr. Beebe's hat.
”Gracious alive!” cried Mrs. Honeychurch. ”Whoever were those unfortunate people? Oh, dears, look away! And poor Mr. Beebe, too! Whatever has happened?”
”Come this way immediately,” commanded Cecil, who always felt that he must lead women, though he knew not whither, and protect them, though he knew not against what. He led them now towards the bracken where Freddy sat concealed.
”Oh, poor Mr. Beebe! Was that his waistcoat we left in the path? Cecil, Mr. Beebe's waistcoat-”
”No business of ours,” said Cecil, glancing at Lucy, who was all parasol and evidently ”minded.”
”I fancy Mr. Beebe jumped back into the pond.”
”This way, please, Mrs. Honeychurch, this way.”
They followed him up the bank attempting the tense yet nonchalant expression that is suitable for ladies on such occasions.
”Well, I can't help it,” said a voice close ahead, and Freddy reared a freckled face and a pair of snowy shoulders out of the fronds. ”I can't be trodden on, can I?”
”Good gracious me, dear; so it's you! What miserable management ! Why not have a comfortable bath at home, with hot and cold laid on?”