Part 127 (1/2)
423 Lafayette Building, Philadelphia.
Books by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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”Women and Economics” $1.50
Since John Stuart Mill's essay there has been no book dealing with the whole position of women to approach it in originality of conception and brilliancy of exposition.--_London Chronicle._
A remarkable book. A work on economics that has not a dull page--the work of a woman about women that has not a flippant word.--_Boston Transcript._
Will be widely read and discussed as the cleverest, fairest, most forcible presentation of the view of the rapidly increasing group who look with favor on the extension of industrial employment to women.--_Political Science Quarterly._
”Concerning Children” $1.25
WANTED:--A philanthropist, to give a copy to every English-speaking parent.--_The Times,_ New York.
Should be read by every mother in the land.--_The Press,_ New York.
Wholesomely disturbing book that deserves to be read for its own sake.--_Chicago Dial._
”In This Our World” (Poems) $1.25
There is a joyous superabundance of life, of strength, of health, in Mrs. Gilman's verse, which seems born of the glorious suns.h.i.+ne and rich gardens of California.--_Was.h.i.+ngton Times._
The poet of women and for women, a new and prophetic voice in the world.
Montaigne would have rejoiced in her.--_Mexican Herald._
”The Yellow Wall Paper” $0.50
Worthy of a place beside some of the weird masterpieces of Hawthorne and Poe.--_Literature._
As a short story it stands among the most powerful produced in America.--_Chicago News._
”The Home” $1.00