Part 51 (1/2)
”Yes,” said she, ”Go on,” and he went on, 'Ill.u.s.trated by A. N. Other.'”
”It's a splendid novel,” she said seriously. ”Real work--great work. I always knew you'd do it, Allen. I'm so proud of you!” And she held out her hand in the sincere intelligent appreciation of a fellow craftsman.
He took it, still bewildered.
”Thank you,” he said. ”I value your opinion--honestly I do! And--with a sudden sweep of recognition. ”And yours is great work! Superb! Why you've put more into that story than I knew was there! You make the thing live and breathe! You've put a shadow of remorse in that lonely ruffian there that I was too proud to admit! And you've shown the--unconvincingness of that Other Girl; marvellously. But see here--no more fooling!”
He took her face between his hands, hands that quivered strongly, and forced her to look at him. ”Tell me about that last picture! Is it--true?”
Her eyes met his, with the look he longed for. ”It is true,” she said.
After some time, really it was a long time, but they had not noticed it, he suddenly burst forth. ”But how did you _know_?”
She lifted a flushed and smiling face: and pointed to the t.i.tle page again.
”'A. Gage.'--You threw it down.”
”And you--” He threw back his head and laughed delightedly. ”You threw down A-N-Other! O you witch! You immeasurably clever darling! How well our work fits. By Jove! What good times we'll have!”
And they did.
Shall no bird sing except the nightingale?
Must all the lesser voices cease?
Lark, thrush and blackbird hold their peace?
The woods wait dumb Until he come?
Must we forego the voices of the field?
The hedgebird's twitter and the soft dove's cooing, All the small songs of nesting, pairing, wooing, Where each reveals What joy he feels?
Should we know how to praise the nightingale, Master of music, ecstacy and pain, If he alone sang in the springtime rain?
If no one heard A minor bird?
”Won't you step in?”
You step in.
”She will be down in a moment. Won't you sit down?”
You sit down. You wait. You are in the parlor.
What is this room? What is it for?