Part 25 (1/2)
A monthly world-wide review of women's activities, achievements and aims in all the broader fields of work; reviews and original, authoritative articles on
Economics, Ethics, Civics, Arts and Crafts, Music, Literature, Club and College Work, etc.
Among its contributors are:
Ella Wheeler Wilc.o.x Charlotte Perkins Gilman Maude Ballington Booth Florence Kelley Mme. Sara Anderson Prof. Margaret Cross Miss Emma Church Alice Hubbard Kate Barnard Mrs. Eva Perry Moore Rev. Anna Shaw
And a host of other equally noted authorities in the world of women.
Initial Number out January 15, 1910
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Woman's Era Publis.h.i.+ng Co.
_What is The Forerunner?_ It is a monthly magazine, publis.h.i.+ng stories short and serial, article and essay; drama, verse, satire and sermon; dialogue, fable and fantasy, comment and review. It is written entirely by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
_What is it For?_ It is to stimulate thought: to arouse hope, courage and impatience; to offer practical suggestions and solutions, to voice the strong a.s.surance of better living, here, now, in our own hands to make.
_What is it about?_ It is about people, principles, and the questions of every-day life; the personal and public problems of to-day. It gives a clear, consistent view of human life and how to live it.
_Is it a Woman's magazine?_ It will treat all three phases of our existence--male, female and human. It will discuss Man, in his true place in life; Woman, the Unknown Power; the Child, the most important citizen.
_Is it a Socialist Magazine?_ It is a magazine for humanity, and humanity is social. It holds that Socialism, the economic theory, is part of our gradual Socialization, and that the duty of conscious humanity is to promote Socialization.
_Why is it published?_ It is published to express ideas which need a special medium; and in the belief that there are enough persons interested in those ideas to justify the undertaking.
We have long heard that ”A pleased customer is the best advertiser.”
The Forerunner offers to its advertisers and readers the benefit of this authority. In its advertising department, under the above heading, will be described articles personally known and used. So far as individual experience and approval carry weight, and clear truthful description command attention, the advertising pages of The Forerunner will be useful to both dealer and buyer. If advertisers prefer to use their own statements The Forerunner will publish them if it believes them to be true.
The main feature of the first year is a new book on a new subject with a new name:--
_”Our Androcentric Culture.”_ this is a study of the historic effect on normal human development of a too exclusively masculine civilization.
It shows what man, the male, has done to the world: and what woman, the more human, may do to change it.
_”What Diantha Did.”_ This is a serial novel. It shows the course of true love running very crookedly--as it so often does--among the obstructions and difficulties of the housekeeping problem--and solves that problem. (NOT by co-operation.)