Part 13 (2/2)

But Nan had occasion to remember her chum's words very clearly not long thereafter, for she did find Rhoda Hammond in trouble. It was one Friday afternoon when Nan was returning from her architectural drawing lesson at Professor Krenner's cabin, up the lake sh.o.r.e.

Amelia had not gone that day, being otherwise engaged; so Nan was alone on the path through the spruce wood that here clothed the face of the high bluff on which Lakeview Hall was set.

A company of jays squalling in a thicket had been the only disturbing sounds in the sun-bathed woods, when of a sudden Nan heard somebody speak--a high and angry voice. Then in Rhoda's deeper tones, she heard:

”What do you mean, confronting me like this? I do not know you. You are crazy!”

”Maybe I am cr-r-razy!” cried the second voice, its owner rolling her ”r's” magnificently. ”But I am not a thief. You, Senorita Ham-mon', are that! You and all your fam-i-lee are the thiefs--yes!”

Nan's thought flashed instantly to the Mexican girl in the shop in Adminster. She had spoken in just this way. And she had given at that time every indication of hating Rhoda.

The girl from Tillbury pushed into the thicket from which the voices sounded. Rhoda replied to the castigation of the other's tongue only by an e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n of amazement. The harsher voice went on:

”The tr-r-reasure of the Ranchio Rose--that ees what you have stolen. You and your fam-i-lee. Those reeches pay for your dress--for your ring there on your han'--for all your good times, and to make you a la-dee. But _me_--I am poor that you and yours may be reech, Senorita Ham-mon'. The treasure of the Ranchio Rose belong to me and to my modder--not to you. Thiefs, I say!”

Nan burst through the bushes at this juncture. Rhoda had uttered another cry. She was backing away from a girl with flushed countenance and uplifted, clenched hand--a girl that Nan Sherwood very well remembered.



”STOP that! Don't you dare strike her!” cried Nan, and rushed forward bravely to the rescue of Rhoda Hammond.

Rhoda was bigger and stronger than Nan; but the latter lacked no courage, and she believed that her friend was so much surprised and taken aback by the Mexican girl's accusation that she was not entirely ready to meet the personal a.s.sault which the stranger evidently intended.

”Stop that!” repeated Nan, and she dashed between the two girls.

She laid her hand upon the Mexican's chest and pushed her back.

”You have no right to do this. Don't you know we can have you arrested by the police?”

”Ha! eet ees the odder Senorita,” gasped the Mexican girl. ”By gracious! I see you are fr-r-riends--heh? You know about the tr-r-reas-ure of the Ranchio Rose--heh?”

”Why, she doesn't know any more what you are talking about than I do,” replied Rhoda Hammond, in wonder.

”This girl,” said Nan, ”must mean the gold and silver and other things you said, Rhoda, that the Mexican bandit hid on your father's ranch somewhere.”

”Lobarto!” murmured Rhoda.

”Dhat ees eet!” cried the Mexican girl. ”Lobarto, dhe r-r-robber.

Lobarto, dhe slayer of women and chil'ren! Ah! The fiend!” and the excited girl's eyes blazed again.

”But what has that to do with Rhoda and her father? I am sure you know very well that Mr. Hammond could not help that bad Mexican bandit's coming up into the vicinity of Rose Ranch and hiding his plunder,” said Nan confidently. ”And what has it all to do with you, anyway?”

”She!” exclaimed the Mexican girl, pointing to Rhoda. ”She ees reech because I am poor. Oh, yes! I know.”

”You don't know anything of the kind,” said Nan flatly. ”Does she, Rhoda?”
