Part 4 (1/2)
”I don't want to go through any fiery trial,” said Rhoda. ”But if you insist, I'll put on that jacket and the pants.”
”'Pants' is truly Western, isn't it, Laura?” asked Amelia Boggs.
”Civilized folk say trousers.”
”I see I have much to learn,” said Rhoda, too meekly, perhaps.
She slipped quickly into the roomy overalls behind the curtain, and then came forth, putting on the jumper. Her bare arms and shoulders were brown and firm. Nan thought Rhoda's figure was as attractive as her face was pretty. She caught the new girl's glance and smiled encouragingly.
”Doesn't she make a darling boy!” whispered Bess Harley to her chum.
But the other girls--at least, some of them--meant to make the newcomer feel keenly her position as a ”sawney.”
”She wears 'em just as though she was at home in them,” said Laura drawlingly. ”I tell you she is a regular cowgirl at home on the Hot Dog Mesa. Isn't that so, Miss Rhoda?”
”You seem to know,” replied the Western girl bruskly.
Laura suddenly whispered to the hooded Amelia. The latter cleared her throat portentously and said:
”Sawney, it is evident that you must be taught your place. Meekness becomes you lambkins when you first come to Lakeview Hall. Slave, prepare the bandage.”
”What's that?” demanded Rhoda. ”Do you know, I don't like this foolishness much.”
”The fiery trial all right for yours!” exclaimed Laura, who had caught up a towel and was folding it dexterously. ”Turn around!”
”I won't!” declared Rhoda flatly.
”Mutiny!” exclaimed Amelia. ”Seize the captive and bandage her eyes at once,” and she pounded on the floor with the broom handle.
Nan was one of those who grabbed the Western girl. But she did so to whisper swiftly in Rhoda's ear:
”Don't fight against it. It's only fun.”
”Fun!” repeated Rhoda in disgust.
But she gave over struggling. Laura blindfolded her quickly and securely. Of course she might have torn the bandage off, for her hands were free. But she waited more calmly now for what might come next.
Nan Sherwood knew very well that there was no intention of really injuring the new girl; therefore she made no objection to what was done. Indeed, she helped haze Rhoda Hammond, but more for the sake of seeing that the Western girl was not taken advantage of in any way than for the fun of the prank.
Nan did not know what Amelia and Laura had planned to do to the new girl, but knowing the older girls as well as she did, she was sure that nothing very bad was intended.
Somebody found an old striped silk parasol with some of the panels split, and this was opened and given to Rhoda to carry. The line of march was then taken up, with the victim directly behind the Mistress of Ceremonies and Laura and Nan shutting off all chance of Rhoda's escape.
The latter's cheeks were very red and her teeth gripped her lower lip tightly. Bess mentioned, giggling, that Rhoda looked already as though she were going through the fiery trial!
Nan realized it would have gone much better for the Western girl if she had taken it smiling. She feared that Rhoda's att.i.tude would make the hazing more severe and more prolonged. She wished she knew what was in the minds of Laura and Amelia Boggs regarding the new girl.