Part 16 (1/2)

Vernon looked after her for a moment with real anxiety in his eyes.

One of them was enough to be kicking over the traces; it wouldn't do for Angie to start. However, that was her own affair. . . . He shrugged, and, picking up his book, switched off the light.

Life was beginning to round out for Willa, if a multiplicity of demands upon her time and interest could satisfy her eager impulses. There were still moments of homesickness, and crises of unrest when she would gladly have forsworn the stifling hot-house existence and gone back to the joyous freedom of Limasito days, had it not been for her secret project. That alone held her to her course and would so hold her until her purpose was achieved.

The eventful night which was to mark her first appearance in her cousins' circle came at last, and she smiled whimsically at herself in the mirror as her new maid added the finis.h.i.+ng touches to her toilette.

She still clung stubbornly to black, but Mrs. Halstead had seen to it that no awkward suggestion of mourning marred the effect of her s.h.i.+mmering sable gown. It brought out her waxen, lily-like pallor and the midnight l.u.s.ter of her hair, accentuating her height and slimness, and her eyes glowed like sapphire stars.

The reflection which met her eyes was a far cry from the khaki-clad girl who rode man-fas.h.i.+on about the dusty white roads of the Limasito country, and rallied the gamblers in the Blue Chip. Oblivious of the maid's presence, Willa bowed solemnly in acknowledgment of the transformation, and pinning on the orchids Ripley Halstead had thoughtfully provided, she descended to her fate.

At first she was conscious only of a great many people; very bored, very languid people who touched her hand limply and then turned away as if to pursue some interrupted conversation of their own. Then all at once Willa was aware of a handclasp more vitalizing, and looked up into a pair of familiar laughing eyes.

She smiled infectiously.

”How do you do, Mr. North?”

”By Jove!” Winnie beamed at her. ”How do you girls manage it?--to change your type, I mean. I thought you were wonderful that night, but now you've eclipsed the memory of it, and I didn't believe anything could ever do that. Somehow, you make me feel as if that girl never existed, and I don't know that I like it. She might have been a real pal, but you are much too stunning and gorgeous for one to dare such a thought.”

”I don't quite know which the real girl is.” Willa eyed him gravely.

”She seems like a stranger to me, sometimes, but I reck--I think the one you met first is down underneath, just taking a siesta, and she's apt to wake up any time. Who is the man with the lock of hair shot away over his right ear?”

Winnie started, and eyed her curiously.

”You mean Harrington Chase? He says his hair grew out that way after an attack of yellow fever.”

Willa pursed her lips.

”It is only a bullet which leaves a scalded furrow like that, as clean and clear as a line drawn on paper. Who is he, anyway?”

”Funny you should have asked that. He's one of the biggest oil-operators on the Exchange; owns a lot of leases somewhere in Mexico. His partner is down there now, Starr Wiley. I don't suppose you ever ran across him.”

”Yes, I think I have.” Willa's tone was quite colorless. ”At any rate, I've heard of him.--Oh, there's your father!”

As it happened, the senior Mr. North had been just behind her when she greeted his son and the latter's opening remarks had given him food for lively conjecture. Dexterously, considering his bulk, he had insinuated himself into and through a screening group of people and rejoined his hostess near the door. Where and when could that boy of his have encountered Willa Murdaugh?

The man with the scarred forehead took her in to dinner and Willa listened politely to his rather heavy pleasantries, studying him the while through narrowed eyes. Of a type foreign to the frequenters of the Blue Chip, he had not crossed her path in Limasito, but his previous activities there were an open book to her. She knew that his methods in acquiring more than one lease had been unscrupulous and his reputation none too good, yet the man interested her.

”Your cousin tells me that you've been in Mexico yourself.” He turned his small eyes, sleepily bright, upon her. ”Says you've picked up an uncommon lot of knowledge about the petroleum industries.”

”I've heard them discussed, that is all,” Willa deprecated.

”Naturally, they're the main subject down there, after government upheavals, of course. It would be a good thing if the States took the oil lands under protection, wouldn't it?”

He laughed shortly.

”Good for us. It will come in time, too. A few more outrages----”

”Yes.” Willa interposed softly. ”Even the less important disturbers, like El Negrito for instance, have their uses.”

”El Negrito?” He laid down his knife and fork. ”That's what they call Alvarez, isn't it? I didn't know his fame had spread all over Mexico.

You were at school there, I understand.”