Volume Ii Part 18 (1/2)

[FN#2] See ”The Lands of the Cazembe,” p. 15, Royal Geographical Society, London, 1873.

[FN#3] See ”The Lands of the Cazembe” (p. 25, note), where, however, the word has taken the form of ”Impaceiro.” At p. 27, line 6, a parenthesis has been misplaced before and after ”Impalancas,” a word differently interpreted by Portuguese writers.

[FN#4] The Directory and Charts.

[FN#5] That of the Hydrographic Office, dated 1863, a.s.signs it to S. Lat. 7 44', and E. Long. 13 5'; and the Granite Pillar to S. Lat. 7 36' 15”, and E. Long. 13 6' 30”.

[FN#6] Duarte Lopez, the Portuguese Captain, whose journals were used by Pigafetta. He went to the Congo regions in 1578, and stayed there ten years. ”Philipp's Voyages,” vol. iii. p. 236.

[FN#7] ”Philipp's Voyages,” vol. iii. p. 236.

[FN#8] Appendix to Tuckey's ”Expedition,” No. 6.

[FN#9] See the note of the learned Robert Brown, p. 472, Appendix V., Tuckey's ”Congo.”

[FN#10] ”Relazione del Reame di Congo, e delle circonvicine contrade, tratta dagli Scritti e Raggionamenti di Odoardo Lopez, Portogheze, per Philippo Pigafetta.” Roma, 1591, fol.

[FN#11] ”Historia de Etiopia,” p. 65.

[FN#12] ”Geography of N'ya.s.si,” note, p. 51.

[FN#13] See ”Zanzibar City, Island, and Coast,” vol. i. p. 5.

”Marinus of Tyre” became by misprint ”mariners of Tyre.”

[FN#14] Chap. xvii. of the Rev. Mr. Waddell's ”Twenty-nine Years in the West Indies and Central Africa.”

[FN#15] ”Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia,” by Captain Thomas Boteler. London: Bentley, 1835; repeated from Owen's ”Voyages to Africa, Arabia,” &c. London: Bentley, 1833. Lt. Wolf, R.N., has given an able a.n.a.lysis of this great surveying undertaking in the ”Journal of the Geographical Society,” vol. iii. of 1833.

[FN#16] See chap. v.

[FN#17] Of this lake I shall have something to say in chap. xii.

[FN#18] See ”The Lands of the Cazembe,” p. 24.

[FN#19] Petermann's ”Geog. Mitt.” of 1860, pp. 227-235. I have duly obtained at Pest the permission of Professor Hunfalvy, who in 1859 edited the Hungarian and German issues, to translate into English the highly interesting volume, the only remains of Ladislaus Magyar, the traveller having died, Nov. 19, 1864, after visiting large and previously unknown tracts of south-western Africa. The work has been undertaken by the Rev. R. C. G.

O'Callaghan, consular chaplain, Trieste, and I hope that it will soon appear with notes by myself. It will be a fitting pendant to Dr. de Lacerda's ”Journey to the Lands of the Cazembe.”

[FN#20] ”Geog. Mitt.” 1857, p. 190.

[FN#21] Proofs of the ident.i.ty of the Lualaba with the Congo;”