Volume Ii Part 14 (1/2)
11th Sept. 9 a.m. 77 27.70 cor. 28.82 Misty morning, warm but clouding over; Banza Noon. 87 27.55 cor. 28.67 at noon high sea-breeze, glare and hot Chingufu 3 p.m. 83 27.45 cor. 28.57 sun, when clouds break 97 in sun, above Nokki; 6 p.m. 73 27.50 cor. 28.62 2 p.m.; 3 p.m., high sea-breeze up see also 18th river; 6 p.m., cold sea-breeze, cloudy and 19th Sept. sky.
Alt.i.tude of Chingufu, 1,703 feet.
12th Sept. 6 a.m. 65 27.70 cor. 28.82 Clear fine morning; high west wind First observation Nekolo. at 6 a.m.; pocket aneroid 29.00 Chingufu, 9 a.m. 76 28.50 cor. 29.62 Shady verandah facing to west; at others at Nekolo Noon. 84 28.35 cor. 29.47 noon aneroid 30.05; 3 p.m., hot lower down & near 3 p.m. 85 28.40 cor. 29.52 sun, westerly breeze, few clouds; river. 6 p.m. 77 28.30 cor. 29.42 6 p.m., very clear, east wind strong; no dew at night.
Negolo Nkulu.
13th Sept. 6 a.m. 70 28.45 cor. 29.57 Close cloudy morning; 9 a.m., Negolo and near 9 a.m. 77 28.50 cor. 29.62 alternately clear and cloudy, Congo River. Noon. 90 28.45 cor. 29.57 glare, no wind; noon bright and sultry, no clouds; 3 p.m., in shady cove 10 feet above river; rain at 5.30 p.m., lasted two hours; dispersed by westerly breeze.
Cove near river.
3 p.m. 94 29.10 cor. 30.22 Height of Negolo, 828 feet.
Left bank.
14th Sept 6 a.m. 74 29.30 cor 30.50 Dull, warm, and cloudy.
Right bank.
Banza Vivi on 9 a.m. 84 29.35 cor. 30.57 Aneroid 30.60, dull day.
hills above right Noon. 80 28.95 cor. 30.07 Anerodi 30.10 dull day, very little bank. 3 p.m. 84 28.35 cor. 29.47 breeze, village shut in, clouds 6 p.m. 79 28.85 cor. 29.97 from west
Banza Vivi.
15th Sept. 6 a.m. 74 29.15 cor. 30.25 Thick drizzle from west, no wind.
At Banza Simbo, half way up Vivi range, aneroid 29.42.
Banza Nkulu Noon 78 28.10 cor. 29.22 Under tree facing north; puffs of above rapids. west wind, threatened rain, none came.
6 p.m. 75 28.10 cor. 29.22 In veranda facing north-east; clear night, heavy dew.
Banza Nkulu.
16th Sept. 6 a.m. 69 28.20 cor. 29.32 Gra.s.s wet, heavy dew, rain threatened, aneroid 29.50.
100 feet above rapids.
7.30 a.m. 73 29.25 cor. 30.37 Aneroid 30.55.
Banza Nkulu again Noon. 80 28.10 cor. 29.22 Aneroid 29.55, dull, cloudy, rain threatened.
3 p.m. 75 28.00 cor. 29.12 Dull day, clearer towards evening, 6 p.m. 75 28.00 cor. 29.12 very heavy dew.
Alt.i.tude of Nkulu, 1212 feet.
Alt.i.tude of Yellala Rapids, 390 feet.
17th Sept. 5.30 a.m. 67 28.15 cor. 29.27 Grey, cool; threatens sunny day.
Right bank of river.
9.20 a.m. 77 29.30 cor. 30.42 Cool west wind.
In canoe on river below Little Rapids.
10.50 a.m. 81 20.20 cor. 30.32 Aneroid 30.57(59) Left bank 20 feet above water, under fig-tree facing north.
Noon. 81 29.20 cor. 30.32 Aneroid 30.50.
Negolo Town 3 p.m. 83 28.30 cor. 29.42 Day hot, aneroid in verandah 30.50.
Banza Chingufu.
6 p.m. 71 27.55 cor. 28.67 Clear evening, misty towards night, young moon with halo.
Height of river below Vivi Fall, 195 feet.
18th Sept. 6 a.m. 65 27.60 cor. 28.72 Cool, grey, no wind.
At Chingufu as 9 a.m. 76 27.65 cor. 28.77 Strong land wind, from east, no before. sun, heavy clouds N.E.
Noon. 90 27.50 cor. 28.62 High west wind, hot sun.
3.30 p.m. 88 27.35 cor. 28.47 Clear at 1 p.m., thermometer 100 little wind, sun hot.
6 p.m. 77 27.45 cor. 28.57 Clear evening, no dew, misty moon, high sea-breeze at night.