Chapter 262 : You Rock, Highgod! 12 (2/2)

A stream of energy that couldn’t be called gentle poured into Dong Jing’s body from his palm. His first reaction was to resist it.

The killing intent surrounding him abruptly spiked, but the woman in front of him didn’t show any reaction at all, as if she couldn’t even feel it.

Shi Sheng frowned and glared at him. “What’re you resisting for?”

“What do you intend to do?” Dong Jing countered.

Sending one’s energy into another’s body was one of the most tabooed practices of the cultivation world. He’d be mad to not resist.

“Just checking something,” Shi Sheng spoke contemptuously, “Not everyone’s out to off you. Killing you would only dirty my sword. You’d best not resist—else, don’t blame me for being rude.”

‘Dirty her sword… This woman is really too detestable!’

Dong Jing’s body shook suddenly as the eyes under his mask surged with tumultuous waves. His blood roiled inside his body. Only after he took a moment to adjust his condition did he manage to speak, “You’re a Highgod.”

Shi Sheng’s eyes curved upwards. “Told you not to resist. The consequences of not listening.”

Dong Jing’s breathing turned heavier. He couldn’t remember any Highgod in the Heavenly Realm that matched her description. But her power was truly that of a Highgod…

The stream of energy didn’t do anything to his body, merely swimming around casually. Seeing it do no harm, he gave up on resisting. If this woman really was a Highgod, he wouldn’t be able to beat her in his current state. Although he had just gathered a lot of energy in his body, he couldn’t utilise it for anything since he hadn’t tempered it yet.

“What’s your name?”

“Qing Guan.”

“Qing Guan…” ‘This name seems familiar. I think I’ve heard it somewhere before.’

Shi Sheng’s brows furrowed slightly as she felt somewhat disappointed. ‘It’s not Feng Ci.’

She withdrew her hand, causing the energy in Dong Jing’s body to disappear, as if it had never been there in the first place.

Dong Jing could read the answer from her expression: he wasn’t the one. But he was rather surprised that she had really just been checking if he was who she was looking for.

‘Qing Guan… Oh yeah!’

“You’re the Qing Guan from Verdant Palace?” Dong Jing asked doubtfully.

“Sounds like you’ve heard of me. It appears I’m quite famous!”

‘Villain-sama knew Qing Guan? What’s up with that? I’m(bbb) a wee bit confused…

Though I suppose he could’ve just heard of her from rumours. After all, he used to be an inhabitant of the Heavenly Realm.’

Thinking thus, Shi Sheng didn’t continue to ponder on the matter too deeply.

‘Too bad Qing Guan died so early in the plot. There was nothing in the story about what relationship she had with Dong Jing.’

Dong Jing, “…”

‘It really is that lass from Verdant Palace. Huh, and she’s all grown up too. Her character is…strange to say the least.’


Having failed in her quest to find Feng Ci, Shi Sheng was planning on heading back to the Heavenly Realm to mess around with the female lead more.

But Dong Jing seemed to have a screw or two loose in his head, for he trailed along behind her. Of course, he didn’t forget to continue his mission to kill people.

Shi Sheng wasn’t very familiar with The Great Desert, so every direction looked the same to her. Naturally, she was unable to shake the long-time resident, Dong Jing, off her tail.

She stopped and turned to glare irritably at the persistent person following her. “Why’re you following me instead of advancing your murderous career?”

‘This fellow couldn’t be following me because he plans on secretly offing me to steal my Highgod cultivation, could he? I never thought you were this kind of despicable villain! *disdain*’

Dong Jing, who had never thought his bloody and violent actions could be interpreted as advancing a certain type of career, “…” ‘What’s with that expression?’

“I’m telling ya, don’t you dare covet my cultivation. I don’t feel like dying yet.”

“I won’t kill you.”

“Then why are you following me?!” Shi Sheng flared up. ‘There were so many roads along the way, yet you still insisted on following me! How am I supposed to believe you have no ulterior motives?’

“I’m headed this way too.”

“Headed—” ‘—this way your grandpa!’

Shi Sheng charged over with sword in hand.

[1] In Chinese the word for people is the same as human. So races other than human are literally not people. None of that animals-are-people-too deal.