Chapter 173 : Server Enemy No. 1 21 (1/2)

When Shi Sheng came home from school, she immediately logged on.

Ink Seeker was already there. He’d been standing motionless in one spot for who knew how long.

[PM] Ink Seeker : [Continue?]

The moment she logged on, Ink Seeker sent her a message.

[PM] Music For Miles : [en]

Ink Seeker appeared to have activated some sort of cheat, since he now knew what to do. Shi Sheng didn’t need to worry about the quest anymore. All she had to do was follow Ink Seeker’s instructions.

But the quest was too complicated and boring. After a while, Shi Sheng lost her interest and didn’t continue moving her character forward.

Ink Seeker kept walking until he discovered that he couldn’t go any further. Turning his viewpoint around, he found the white-clothed woman had sat down cross-legged.

He was forced to go back for her.

[PM] Ink Seeker : [?]

[PM] Music For Miles : [bored. don’t feel like doing]

[PM] Ink Seeker : [……]

[PM] Music For Miles : [i’m going off first]

Shi Sheng logged off without giving Ink Seeker any time to react.

Ji Yan stared at the empty map, and then, in his frustration, he slammed a palm down on his keyboard.

‘This temperamental woman! She’ll be the death of me!’ He irritatedly rose off his seat and stalked over to the window, yanking the curtains open.

Sunlight rushed into the room and enveloped him.

This seemed to have annoyed Ji Yan, for he frowned and drew the curtains shut again. He then started pacing around the dim room, sweeping an occasional look at the computer screen.


After Shi Sheng logged off her main, she logged onto Wooden Bellz’ account to mess around with the Undermoons for a bit. Now that she and Ink Seeker had been locked away, the world seemed much quieter.

Shi Sheng was bored to the point she could eat dirt, and after a while, she got tired of playing. If there weren’t any people to kill or fires to start, she just couldn’t muster up any motivation.

And so, she simply logged off and went to bed.

The next day, she didn’t have time to play because of school. By the time she managed to find time to log on, they were already on the third day.

However, when she logged on, she discovered her avatar wasn’t where she had left it last, but in an unfamiliar map.

The hidden quest had changed, too. Shi Sheng fell silent as she looked at the player standing next to her character.

[PM] Music For Miles : [it’s not very nice of you to steal my account without my permission.]

[PM] Ink Seeker : [If I’d asked for permission, it wouldn’t be called stealing.]

[PM] Music For Miles : [……]

She actually had no retort for that.

[PM] Music For Miles : [do the quest on your own then]

‘Not playing with you anymore!’ Shi Sheng logged off so quickly she didn’t see the message Ink Seeker had sent.

[PM] Ink Seeker : [Wait a minute.]

Ji Yan really couldn’t understand this girl. ‘I stole her account, yet her reaction is this calm? Isn’t she afraid I’ll go and sell it? Weirdo…’

She’d been busy with school for the past two days, so she rarely went online. Even when she did log on, it was just to check on the progress of the hidden quest. Seeing that the quest hadn’t been completed yet, she’d leave without saying a word, pissing Ink Seeker off to the point he seriously contemplated selling her account. Numerous times.

By the time Shi Sheng had finished all her work, it was already Saturday, the day Li Suo and Sang Yu were holding their wedding.

[PM] Music For Miles : [how come you’re still not done?]

[PM] Ink Seeker : [……]

‘What’s with that accusatory tone in her words? You’re still not satisfied with me doing the quest on my own?!’

Shi Sheng looked back at her hidden quest. Its name had already changed to “Dream of A Thousand Years”.

‘This should be the last part.’

[PM] Music For Miles : [we nearly done?]

[PM] Ink Seeker : [En.]

[PM] Music For Miles : [then let’s hurry up! there’ll be a good show on later]

Shi Sheng hurriedly started doing her quest. Her character had disappeared for too long! It was time to go back to announce her presence, lest the little bitches forget about her!

As a villain who took her duties very seriously, this was something Shi Sheng could not tolerate.