Chapter 159 : Server Enemy No. 1 7 (2/2)
[Party] 4Seas8Lands : [Snowfall Undermoon, disband your party and join ours.]
There was a total of four people in 4Seas8Lands’ party. The only username Shi Sheng recognised was Sir Jade, the ID in 4th place on the leaderboards.
[Party] 5kernel Mooncake : [holy f*** Guildmaster, u even managed to get Godly Tycoon-ge in?]
[Party] New Dongfang : [i see the 4 undermoons]
[Party] Snowfall Undermoon : [who sucks the most? world famous’ new dongfang is the name]
[Party] New Dongfang : [Guildmaster, I feel like our chances this time are slim.]
Although these four madmen had quite good combat ability, New Dongfang had seen them taking on a boss before.
Snowfall Undermoon had bragged that his HP had dropped the least. The result was that Crabapple Undermoon kicked him out, causing Snowfall to immediately eat dirt.
The entire party was wiped out.
That wasn’t the end either. What was even more ridiculous was that he had once seen these four gang up on an NPC because of failing to pass the dungeon and ending up getting thrown in jail.
This game allowed players to attack NPCs, but the consequences for doing so were severe.
‘Please be honest, can these irrational teammates who backstab their friends last minute really help us get the first clear?’
4Seas8Lands didn’t feel like speaking anymore. His only hope was that these four could act normally and not cause trouble later.
[Party] 4Seas8Lands : [Anyone still on the way? If not, we’re entering the tower now.]
[Party] New Dongfang : [Ol’ Guo’ll be here soon.]
When Ol’ Guo finally arrived, the group charged over to Twinklegem Tower.
The moment they entered, Snowfall burst out.
[Party] Snowfall Undermoon : [wtf u scrubs, u only got to 50]
[Party] Drunkalone Undermoon : [noobs we already got to 59]
[Party] Windsong Undermoon : [why don’t we go out and let us lead? then we can reach the end faster. at this rate, by the time these lot get up there, the drunkflowers would’ve already won]
[Party] 4Seas8Lands : [……]
[Party] Sir Jade : [……]
[Party] 5kernel Mooncake : [……]
[Party] New Dongfang : [……]
[Party] Ol’ Guo : [……]
Had 4Seas8Lands not told them to calm down in guild chat, they would probably have started beating up these four by now.
[Party] Music For Miles : [dumb***es, 4seas wants the first clear. if u guys lead the team, first clear’ll be urs]
The rule in Twinklegem Tower was that the first clear record would belong to whoever was leading the team.
‘I(bbb) feel like my(bbb) screen time is being snatched…’
The Undermoons had too much of a presence.
4Seas8Lands sent Shi Sheng his thanks. If you were to ask him to control the four of them, he’d have to say he wasn’t able to. But what had happened afterward…
[Party] Snowfall Undermoon : [don’t attack there, poison will spurt ou- see, i told u so]
…He only spoke up after they had already launched an attack.
[Party] Windsong Undermoon : [snowfall, heal! gonna die gonna die]
…He still had more than half his health.
[Party] Drunkalone Undermoon : [snowfall, that mob is too ugly, I don’t wanna fight it. u go]
[Party] Snowfall Undermoon : [I don’t wanna fight either, windsong, you go]
[Party] Windsong Undermoon : [I’m scared, boss you go]
[Party] Drunkalone Undermoon : [no, ugly]
[Party] ……
The only normal ones were Shi Sheng and Godly Tycoon, causing 4Seas8Lands to feel depressed. ‘Can we really catch up to Drunkflower Den?’