Part 15 (1/2)
Although it e Farragut felt it was a wise thing to do, and as his eldest son, William, was already in the navy, David was the next to accept the offered advantage Captain Porter was at that time in command of the naval station at New Orleans, and his showy uniforh sad at leaving his father and brothers, was eager to go with this handsouardian, and as soon as the farewells were said, and his slender wardrobe was packed, Captain Porter took him aith hiton where he was placed in a good school
Farragut was a bright, intelligent boy, with an honest, pleasant face, and though he was short, he stood very erect and always held his head very high
”I cannot afford to lose any of my inches,” he always said
One day he was introduced to the Secretary of the Navy, who after asking hihted with the boy's quick answers that he patted hi:
”My boy, when you are ten years old, I shall make you a ood to be true to young Farragut, as then nine and a half years old, but the Secretary of the Navy did not forget it but kept his word, and the appoint the boy in a seventh heaven of anticipation Then the arrangeo with Capt Porter, and on that October day of 1812 when the _Essex_ sailed out of the Delaware river, the young midshi+pman stood in all his proud splendour of uniform beside the Captain as already his ideal of a naval hero
For severalwhich tilish vessels, a them the _Alert_, and the _Essex_ was croith prisoners taken frout lay apparently asleep, but in reality listening and watching, the coxswain of the _Alert_ caut scarcely breathed until he had passed by, then noiselessly the young midshi+pman crept to the cabin where Captain Porter was, aroused hi fro ”Fire! Fire!” The sailors rushed on deck at the cry, and the rebels were in irons alut belonged the credit of having averted a mutiny
Months passed, and still Captain Porter had not been able to find the American squadron, so he decided to make a trip around Cape Horn, and cruise about on the Pacific, which decision pleased young Farragut, as he was eager for an experience of real sea life And he certainly had it The weather was bitterly cold, and for twenty-one days the shi+p was lashed by terrific gales, by the end of which tione, and each man had only a sht experience, with appetites whetted by salt air and hard work After rounding the cape, Captain Porter sailed north along the west coast of South America and stopped at an island near the coast of Chili, and here all the sailors went ashore with their guns, and killed sos and horses, and even the horse-flesh they ate with keen relish, after being so long without fresh meat Then for months they cruised about in the Pacific, and as he had done in the Atlantic cruise, so in the Pacific, Captain Porter captured several English vessels and also warned soer
These had been at sea for so long that they had not even heard of the war Every now and again the _Essex_ stopped at an island where the sailors could kill seals, or when they anchored in a bay, they fished for cod, and at one island where they stayed for quite a while, they found prickly pears to eat, and killed pigeons which the cook on the _Essex_ ht were ave theut felt the keenest joy of living which he had ever experienced
On that island where they stayed so long they found a curious post-office--a link connecting whoever should discover it with the outer world of passing men and vessels It was just a box nailed to a tree, where es or letters could be left to be picked up by other vessels which happened to be going in the right direction to carry them
A far cry indeed from that island post-box to the wireless stations of to-day, flashi+ng news from sea to land--from land to sea!
At last in May, 1813, the _Essex_ sailed away frohted and captured One of these prizes Captain Porter wished to have taken to Valparaiso, and as through all the long cruise he had kept a watchful eye on young Farragut, he now determined to put the boy's ability to a hard test
[Illustration: _David Farragut_]
Farragut was then only twelve years old, just think of it,--twelve years old, but the Captain put hirey-haired old captain was required to navigate it to Valparaiso under Farragut's coe of such a vessel on such a trip was no light ut's joy and pride fairly oozed froure, beamed from every feature of his face The old captain of the shi+p, in none too good a hu been captured by the Aed to take orders frout paid no heed to his snubs, he tried a different ave orders that ”the maintop-sail be filled away,” the captain answered that he would shoot any man who dared to touch a rope without his orders, and then went below to get his pistols There wasn't a ut called one of his men, and told him what had happened and what he wanted done, and his frank manner and words accomplished what no amount of commands would have done
”Aye, aye, sir!” answered the faithful seaut sent doord to the rebellious captain not to coo overboard
There was no question from that reatly adency, and the vessel was brought safely into port by the young commander, who then went back to the _Essex_, proud in the fact of having acconed hio at once to some islands far out in the Pacific, where he could refit the _Essex_, and so they sailed in that direction, and when near the islands they were sighted by some of the natives who paddled out in a canoe to erly invited the sailors ashore, pro thee sight to the eyes of the Aaily ornamented with feathers in true barbaric fashi+on, but they were very friendly and during the six weeks while the shi+p was being refitted, although the Aiven lessons daily by the chaplain of the _Essex_, when the lesson was over, they were allowed to ut learned s which were afterwards invaluable to hi was as natural and as easy as walking, and although David never became as proficient in this as his new friends, still he learned to swiht him hoalk on stilts, and how to use a spear with skill and ease, and in such sports and occupations, tiretful when the day came for them to say farewell to their island friends But the _Essex_ was ready to sail for Valparaiso, so off they went and when they sailed away, young Farragut was almost as much developed in muscle, and as bronzed by the sun and wind, as were the friends he left behind him on that island to which he always looked back as an enchanted land
Twoquietly at anchor in the harbour of Valparaiso, and lish war vessels bore swiftly down upon the _Essex_ in a veryway, and Captain Porter was afraid they would attack hiht to do, for Chili was not at ith either England or America, and so an American vessel should have been safe within that port
One of these English vessels was a frigate called _The Phoebe_ and the other a sloop named _The Cherub_ The _Phoebe_ passed within fifteen feet of the _Essex_, when Captain Porter, as standing on deck, hailed her, saying:
”If you touch a single yardarm I shall board you instantly!”
The _Phoebe_ passed by without a reply and then both English vessels anchored at the entrance of the harbour, by doing which they kept the _Essex_ a prisoner In this position the vessels reale, in which the cables of the _Essex_ gave way, and she at once began to drift towards the English shi+ps Captain Porter decided that this was his chance to escape, and setting all sail hesnapped Down crashed theand even some of the crew into the water In such a crippled condition escape was iain to shore, where she was brought to anchor within pistol shot of the beach
The _Essex_ had only four guns that could shoot as far as the cannon of the English The _Phoebe_ and the _Cherub_ took a position out of range of aluns of the _Essex_, and then poured broadside after broadside into the unfortunate Aed, the _Phoebe_ throwing seven hundred eighteen-pound shots at the _Essex_ Captain Porter and his crew fought bravely until one hundred and twenty-four of theirall this terrible battle, the first which David Farragut had ever seen, there was no braver officer on the shi+p than the little es for the captain, bringing powder for the guns, and helping wherever he was needed Years later in discussing this scene, Farragut said:
”I shall never forget the horrid iht of the first ered an to fall so fast that it all appeared like a dreaun-pri belohile I was on the ward-rooun directly opposite the hatchas struck full in the face by an eighteen pound shot, and fell back on ether I lay for some moments stunned by the blow, but soon recovered consciousness enough to rush up on deck