Part 10 (1/2)

Cal beside her and told hie at the insult, obeyed in silence and the woeneral took the cap off the queen's hair and laid it on the table

Ever since the King had vetoed the bills, the people had called the King, Monsieur Veto; Marie Antoinette, Madame Veto, and the Dauphin, Little Veto, and now from all sides burst forth the cry, ”The red cap for the Dauphin! The tri-colour for little Veto!”

”If you love the nation,” cried the woman to the Queen, ”put the red cap on your son”

The Queen motioned to one of the ladies to put the red cap on the child, and he, not understanding whether it was a joke or not, stood there in easy grace, as handsome a little prince as ever a nation had

One of the revolutionary leaders, who had looked complacently at the scene, now stood near the queen, and as her eyes met his in calm defiance, he felt a thrill of pity for her and for the little Dauphin, and when he saw the perspiration rolling down the boy's forehead frohly:

”Take that cap off the child--don't you see how he sweats?”

The queen's gratified glance thanked him, as she took the cap herself fro, the Mayor of Paris had entered the outer hall and was quieting thethem disband and leave the palace at once, which they did

The King sank into a chair, exhausted and agonised, and cried out:

”Where is the queen? Where are the children?” and in a ether

The Dauphin's spirits were never long cast down and noas bubbling over with joy

”Papa,” he cried ”Give me a kiss! I deserve it, for I was truly brave and did not cry or even speak when the people put the red cap on nity which was almost reverent, kissed the boy's broad forehead and pushed back his thick golden hair, then turned to answer a question put by one of the representatives of the people; several of ere in the rooathered around the little Dauphin, of whose brilliant erly on all kinds of subjects, especially about the boundaries of France, and its division into departments and districts, and every question he answered quickly

After each answer he glanced up at his ly, and when her face showed that he had answered correctly, his face bea the astonish around hi, too, Prince?”

The Dauphin glanced again at the queen


Marie Antoinette nodded assent and the Dauphin knelt beside her, and folding his hands and looking up with a sweet look of reverence in his blue eyes, sang in a clear voice:

”Oh heaven, accept the prayer I offer here, Unto his subjects spare My father dear”

There was absolute silence in the room, while those faces, before so hard and stern, softened Then with a single glance at the lovely boy, as still kneeling, with a look on his face as if in a happy dream, one by one, those revolutionists silently left the room

But even the prayer and the faith of the Dauphin could not longer save the royal family from their fate

The people, inflamed to fury by every desire of which the revolutionists could iving of the crown to the Dauphin, in whose naovern bynaturally would not give his consent, and amid scenes and sounds terrible beyond all description, the royal family were declared prisoners of the people, and told that they were to thereafter live in the Temple, which was now the royal prison As the Tuileries had already been pillaged by the mob, the royal fa, except what they wore The Dauphin was entirely destitute, but fortunately the duchess of Sutherland had a s prince what he needed in the way of clothing for their departure On August 13, 1792, the sad procession of royalty left the Tuileries in the late afternoon and were escorted by a great mob of frenzied men and wos At night-fall the carriage reached the Temple and the royal prisoners were taken to that part of the building called ”the palace,”

where they found no comforts or necessities of any kind, and torn sheets even had to be used on the Dauphin's bed Later while the furies who had the prisoners in their poere converting the principal tower of the building, not only into a prison, but into the worst one i and his fa the day tiht, they were all shut up in the suarded by soldiers Two , were allowed to rens passed the ti found his principal pleasure in superintending the Dauphin's education, giving hi, then at one o'clock if the weather was fine, the royal faarden, and the Dauphin would play ball or quoits or run races, as was suitable for his age and activity of body At two o'clock dinner was served, and afterwards, the Dauphin again had a play hour while the king enjoyed a nap As soon as he awoke, Clery, who had been with the Dauphin for several years, would give hi and arithmetic lessons, and then he would play ball or battledore-and-shuttlecock for awhile, and then there would be reading aloud until it was ti would aames, and then the Dauphin went to bed

Little Louis was seven and a half years old when he was first shut up in the Teht him to recite poetry, to draw maps and to make use of arithmetic, but his lessons in arithuard noticed theand reported that he was being taught to speak and write in cipher One of the king's men was removed frolyphics in order toand queen easier, and even his explanation that the figures he had made use of were only arithht before retiring, that the young prince ht prepare his lesson before breakfast, did not pacify his accusers So little Louis Charles was taught no erly all that was offered his quick retentive mind to assireat co and queen, and the tact he showed in hisa boy He neverwhich would rouse sad memories in the uard to protect them both from any hints of sorrohich he could prevent

The royal prisoners were soon removed to the principal tower of the Te, until after Louis was taken away for trial, when the Dauphin was placed in his mother's care, and after that ti was conde foreseen it, calht see his faranted and during the scene which lasted allory but misfortune, held his father in his ar man rather than a little child He did not understand causes, but he saw effects, and he was brave because mamma and papa needed someone beside them, who smiled, and so he held tears back until the ti with his loved father

And now little Louis was no longer the Dauphin, but rightful King of France--King of France, only think of it, and scarcely eight years old!