81 Christmas Masquerade Ball (1/2)
Wan Bai was extravagant and loved having people talk about his extraordinary ideas when he threw parties. When he told Zunnie that the Christmas party had a masquerade ball theme, she was stunned. Growing up in the Bai manor she was always ecstatic when her parents threw parties. It was her mom who planned all the parties but after she passed away, her dad had taken up the task.
When she was a child Zunnie always admired how the adults dressed so elegantly and couldn't wait till she was old enough to wear beautiful dresses and go to her dad's parties. As she walked into the black limousine waiting on her, she was more than excited.
Everything was perfect except for the fact that she and Alex were once again going separately. Even though they got dressed together, they left in different cars and different times. She was envious of couples who were open with their relationship, but she was also understanding. He had not said anything because her safety was more important to him.
It's not that she did not trust him, she did. But what she truly wanted was to experience what it felt like to walk next to him in public. She wanted people to know she was his and he belonged to her. When you loved someone that tendency of showing them off, talking about them freely and doing things with them out in the open was what she yearned for.
Zunnie wanted to hold his hand and walk next to him like most married persons, but they had not disclosed their relationship.
As she drove alone in the huge limo, away from their condos there was a void in her heart. With sad eyes she gazed out at the night, missing his warmth and comfort.
The closer they got to Bai manor the thought slid to the back of her mind. When they arrived, the door was pulled open by the driver.
”Thank you, sir,” she thanked him when he held out his hand to help her out of the limo.
She was not surprised to see there were a few cameras taking pictures. Her father had not thrown a party for a few years, so he invited all his good friends and some big names in Una City.
'Does that mean there will be more people than I anticipated?' she had thought upon hearing the news.
Although she did not mind having more people, she did think her dad had planned the party for only immediate friends and family. She couldn't be more wrong.
Being the heiress to the hosting family she had to be there an hour early to welcome guests with her dad and Eyan.
For the Christmas masquerade ball, she was wearing a dress designed by her best friend Sanua. The burgundy dress had diamonds lined around it in a unique pattern. It was long enough in the front so her sparkly black heels could be seen. The back of the dress was longer as it covered the back of her shoes. A burgundy and black mask had also been designed to match the dress. The masked was lined with black lace and there were tiny diamond rhinestones all over the mask.
Zunnie had fallen in love with the dress when she first tried it on. She couldn't help but continuously praise her best friend's talents.
”Miss Bai this way...Miss Bai your dress is lovely, Zunnie look this way...” the paparazzi shouted at her as she made her way inside.