{”You took him there? Sis are you crazy? He paid ten billion and that's where you guys ate?” Eyan knew Zunnie had some out of the box ideas but he never imagined she was that irrational.}

Alexander Zi happened to be one of the richest families in Una City and his loving and adorable sister chose to bring him to a cheap Thai restaurant in Pocai. He was baffled. He had no idea what to think or say to her.

”B-But he had fun. We had a good time. You see that's what I wanted to talk to you about.” Zunnie faced her brother who was now sitting on the couch next to her.

”What is it?” Eyan hoped she was not about to drop a bombshell on him after hearing what she had done.

”I, uhh…” She was not sure how to tell her brother.


”I like him.” Zunnie blurted.

”You what?” Eyan shot up from his seat and glared at Zunnie.

It's not that he disregarded Alex or anything. He was so stunned that his sister had finally fallen for someone. He grinned then walked to pull her up from her seat.

He clasped her arms and stared into her eyes searching them for some sort of answer.

”Are you sure? I mean you've never really like anyone, and Alexander Zi is…” Eyan stopped talking seeing he was rambling.

Zunnie stared at him and nodded her head… ”Yes, I like him. Eyan let's not do this right now. You have a meeting and you'll be late. Let's talk over lunch tomorrow.”

”Ah, you're right. We will talk then.” He hugged Zunnie and was about to walk out when she said;

”Don't tell dad. I want to tell him myself.”

”Okay, my lips are sealed,” Eyan replied and walked back to his office smiling at what just occurred.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Zunnie collapsed to the couch. She placed her hand over heart and steadied her breathing. For a slight moment, she thought her big brother was angry. She smiled as happiness filled her pounding heart. It felt food to tell him. When she calmed down, she grabbed her bag and walked out.