44 Teacher Choi should know about her (1/2)
They are usually walking on the beach or in the garden. It's a warm day. The sun is shining bright. She is full of energy, laughing, and teasing him for his bad acting. She lets go of her arm and runs away from him. He is chasing her. She is always out of reach. The gap between them is widening. He sees her falling into the pit. Before Tae Il can grab her, she is lost in the darkness.
Tae Il wakes up with a jolt. For the last few days, he has been having dreams of Nam Ji Won. He gets out of the bed and walks to the balcony. It's a quiet night. She didn't even take her phone with her. Mother Nam and Nam Go Eun are too easygoing about this. It has been two days since she is gone. Yet, it feels like decades.
He is strangely restless. Is she well? If she is well, why isn't she calling her home? She should call him at least once. She didn't even leave a number to reach her directly. Did something bad happen to her?
The academy is suspicious. He feels like he is losing himself.
Tae Il makes a decision. He will go to her academy. He will check on her once to make sure that she is alright. If she is alright, he will come back and he won't bother her ever again. Seeing her once is fine.
Just once is fine.
At dawn, Tae Il leaves by road with a map. Go Eun has told him that the academy is situated in deep into the J mountains. That's the only address. There is no contact number. Why are Mother Nam and Nam Go Eun so easy about this? How can they let a person go to a place like that? If she wants to study traditional medicine, she can study in the city. There is no lack of good teachers here.
After riding for hours, he reaches the J mountains. He asks around for the academy. After visiting several academies in the area, he is even more suspicious. There is no formal address of the academy or any name. It's only called 'Academy'. That's it. The Academy. Where is he going to find an academy like that?
He doesn't notify Nam Go Eun or Mother Nam yet. He wants to be sure before he takes any hasty decision. It takes him days to check out all the academies in the area that specializes in traditional medicine. He can't find Nam Ji Won anywhere. He has a bad feeling about this.
Tired, he looks at the list of the academies. Where else should he look?
”There is one more academy on the other side of the mountain.” A waiter, who has been watching him for the last few days at the hotel, tells him after placing the food tray on the table. ”It's an old academy for prestigious students. However, there is no bus or train that goes there. The road ends halfway there. Then, you have to walk through the forest.”
Tae Il looks up at him doubtfully. ”Nobody else spoke about it.”
”The academy is quite mysterious. It only takes students with unique gifts. People tend to forget about it.” The waiter gives him a knowing look. ”I am telling you because you are desperate. I usually don't see people who are looking for someone who goes to that academy. That person must be important for you.”
”How do you know that my friend goes there?” He asks him. The waiter doesn't answer him. He winks and goes back.
”Strange.” Tae Il comments after the waiter is gone. ”An academy on the other side of the mountains...”
Next morning, he leaves for the mysterious academy. After going away from civilization, he finds some villagers who give him the direction to the academy. The road ends halfway as the waiter has told him.
He turns around when he hears the voice. It's a twenty-something girl who looks like she has been running for miles. She has bleached hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin. She is dressed in sweat suits and carrying a wooden sword. Her bleached hair is tied into a ponytail.
”Who are you?” She grabs his arm. ”I don't care who you are. Give me a ride to the academy.”
”Uh!” He wants to shake her off when she leans on him. ”The road ends here.”