8 Do you know Leo? (1/2)

”When is the concert?”

”It's tonight.” Na Young jumps on her feet happily. ”Many famous celebrities are coming tonight. I even booked the hotel where the celebrities are staying.”

Ji Won raises her eyebrows. ”Who will stay for the night? How did your parents agree to stay at a hotel overnight?”

”They are going to grandmother's place. I told them that I don't want to go because we have to study. I am staying at your place.” She winks at her.

Ji Won and Na Younger are a lot different from each other, they are both quite shameless. One would shamelessly beg to accompany her to the concert and another one would shamelessly accept free lunches.

”Where is the concert?” Ji Won is having a bad feeling. Why would this girl book a hotel?

”It's in Seoul,” Na Young answers in a high-pitched tone. ”We have to leave by five. Then, we can reach there on time. The celebrities will stay there for two days. My uncle promised me that he will help me meet with them.”

Ji Won has never been out of her city.

Na Young notices the hesitation in Ji Won's eyes.

”Do you know how much I had to beg my uncle for this chance? After I begged and cried to him for days, he agreed to help me. I want to use this chance to see the love of my life with my own eyes.I have to see Slow Poison with my own eyes to die without regrets. I might never get this chance to hear his song or see him for real in my life again.”

She is breathing heavily. Ji Won is speechless. love of your life? It is no secret that Na Young is a huge fan of a pop singer who went by the name 'Slow Poison'. Ji Won also likes listening to music, but never like this. She sighs. What's so good about this 'Slow Poison'? This 'Slow Poison' is slowly poisoning her friend's mind and her life.

”Alright, we will go.” She rubs her head. Her head is hurting. She is sure that her head would hurt more during the concert.

”You are my best friend.” Na Young happily hugs her.

Nam Ji Won has to lie to her parents. They make excuses like they are going to Seoul to find out more about the universities. With guilty consciences, they leave the house. In the train, Na Young keeps talking about the concert and Slow Poison. Her uncle has sent someone to pick them up from the station. In the car, Na Young pesters the poor man with non-stop question. By the time they reach the location of the concert, both Ji Won and the driver are badly exhausted.

”We have reached!” Na Young shouts.

”Miss Park, I will take your luggage to the hotel. You should take your passes. I will meet you here after the concert.”

”Thank you, Ahjussi.”

Ji Won furrowed her brows when she sees the crowd. It is literally her nightmare. There are huge banners and posters. She doesn't recognize a single artist. She feels like she has walked into a different world.

”Look, Slow Poison!” Na Young points at the big poster of a brooding guy with long hair and a guitar. Ji Won feels that her friend needs to wash her eyes. What is so good about this Slow Poison? Even his looks are poisoning her eyes.

”We should enter. Later, it will be difficult to enter the backstage.” Na Young shows their backstage passes. They are immediately granted the entry. One is overexcited. Another one is wearing a dull expression.

After two hours, the concert finally starts. One by one artist started to perform. Ji Won leaves Na Young with some other fans and finds herself a chair. She is watching Na Young quietly. Slowly, she falls asleep on the chair.
