43 A Call From Dad (1/2)

The Heiress Lovewhoso 17180K 2022-07-22


the buzzing of her phone and the identical ring tone she used for her dad, made Hui Yin irritated

'after all these months of not talking to me, you suddenly call? Hmph!'

Although she complained, she still took the call, after all, it was her beloved father calling.


”wow, my baby's using such a cold tone to speak to her poor daddy~”

”what do you want?” she wasn't going to give him the chance to act like nothing happened

”awww~~ Daddy feels sad”

”I'm hanging up”

”ahh wait Yin, I haven't spoken to you in such a long time. Couldn't I at least hear your voice? Dad misses you”

'misses me? hmph!hmph!!'

”you've heard it”

”....I'm sorry” her anger began to break..truly, she couldn't stay mad at him.


”I know I haven't talked to you for months now..truth is..I've been staying with a friend of mine in a secluded island. It was hard to get a signal. Yin, forgive daddy..please?”

”Daddy..how have you been?”

”ahhh?? does this mean you forgive me now?”


”haha daddy loves daughter best!”


”are you doing well, my dear?”

”en, I'm very happy here”

”that's good, really good”

”how about daddy?”

”eh? I'm good..really well”

”ohhh then you should really have more fun in the island, should we go there next time? together?”

”.....sure!sure!! I'm excited now!!”

”en, dad, I have a question”

”hmm what is it?”

”about my past...remember that I had gaps in my memories? Well...I was wondering if you could tell me?”

”eh? Oh I'm sorry Yin, I have forgotten as well..don't worry, you might remember them when you're older”

”yeah? okay, nevermind then”

” well Yin, I have to rest now..”

”okay dad, rest well”


”I love you daddy”