39 Your own forces (1/2)
Just when things began to get blurry, she was released and thrown on the ground. She finally released the breath she was holding. The people in the room looked at her weirdly, questioning why she had started to breathe so heavily, and the reason for her choice of clothing. She was still wearing her bunny onesie, which had a few holes from scraping it on branches.
Her radius of death came to a few feet, as she stopped it from going past one meter.
The people around couldn't help thinking she was insane when they saw her smile. She was on the ground panting like a dog, but her delighted expression contradicted her situation.
Zuna had finally made a breakthrough in her ability. At one point she couldn't prevent herself from killing people within almost eight meters, but eventually she trained the ability so that she could set it at about two feet. That was the minimum, but now she could make it nonexistant.
”What's so amazing?” The man before her asked. It was Alfred Bennett.
By the time she stopped breathing so heavily, her smile had become even more merry. ”You wouldn't understand.” She shook her head.
Getting straight to the point, he asked, ”Who sent you?”
'Who sent me? Arius!' Is what she thought but what she said was, ”Pierre!”
”The man who succeeded Jarres Keanu as CEO of one of the cloud companies? Why?” He asked. What a paranoid man to come to such a quick conclusion.
”I don't know, man.” She knew that Pierre was a CEO of some company named cloud, so she assumed that was the one he spoke of.
”Bring her in for questioning.” Alfred told his bodyguards.
Well, she hoped at least that they wouldn't put her through any torture. If they did, she had to kill them. As the men closed in on her, she began holding her breath for whatever reason. Noticing her radius of death shrink made her giddy.
She was dragged away and hurried deeper into the mansion, stuffed into a room and then chained to the wall. It was her first time being kidnapped, since any capturers would usually die before even touching her.
As the boy watched her be taken away, he had on a worried expression. He stayed as silent as possible, aware of the problems he could bring if he made a move too soon. Only when no one was insight did he finally climb down the tree, jumping and sliding until he reached the lowest branch.
He looked around before jumping down for the last time. Once his feet touched the ground, he went to pick up Zuna's phone. It had a password. He tried a few before it finally unlocked, her password was 'sandwhich'.
He found Arius's contact, and he texted him the situation. Whether or not he was still up was debatable, but he took the chance. As it was, Arius did infact respond. ”I'll figure something out.” He said.
After getting confirmation, Dante took off for the fence under the cover of darkness. He was small yet still made it over the tall bars. On the otherside of the fence, he scurried further away.