57 Murder- Part 1 (2/2)

They walked through the corridor, taking a right she came across another painting which was placed at the far end. She wasn't an expert in it but she could guess by the different and varied strokes of color that was used on it, it wasn't the same painter who had painted the previous paintings they had walked by. It was a painting that belonged to an extremely beautiful woman, a beauty that she had never come across in real life. Was she real? thought Heidi to herself. Her long brown locks that cascaded down her shoulder to the length of her waist. She had a tender smile, not big but there was something missing in the picture. As if the painting hadn't been completed. No name was mentioned below the painting.

”Who is this?” Heidi asked, taking a step closer to the painting to have a better look and into the eyes of the woman.

”This is Lady Louise Perone. She's lord Nicholas' mother.”

This was his mother? Heidi couldn't believe it. Of course there were slight resemblance between them but the lady here had the charm and air of gentleness which the lord usually adorned when they were out, ”She's beautiful,” she murmured and turned towards Warren, ”What happened to her?” She had never heard about his parents, they were never mentioned due to which she didn't know about them.

”I am not sure myself. Even though I am his cousin, it was years after I was born. So I am not sure but I did hear it was a tragic death,” Warren said looking at the painting along with her, ”No one speaks about it.”

”What do you mean?” She asked him, her eyebrows furrowing in question.

”Even though Nicholas is the lord, no one speaks about Lady Louise in the family. My mother was her younger sister and she doesn't talk about it. Even though many pure blooded vampires have died, my relatives don't mention about her. And personally I think it is very rude to put your nose in others matters and therefore I never tried to know,” he frankly confessed and she nodded understandingly, ”I also believe there are few things we shouldn't dig deep into. Because in this world, there are things we couldn't be able to handle or look at. That is why it is wise to be ignorant.”

”Did Lord Nicholas paint her?”

”He did. Nicholas is a very skilled painter. Would you like to see few of his pieces?” Warren asked with a smile, diverting her to another topic.

”Of course,” she said, giving the lady one last look and turning her back to follow Warren.

Reaching an expansive room, she found several canvas stands holding on to a canvas which were filled with colors already. She was surprised that Lord Nicholas was actually good at it. The paintings consisted from landscapes to objects like teacups. It made her smile when she caught sight of a painting of the head butler holding an apple close to his cheeks. When the bell from a nearby town rang loudly, Warren said,

”I will return in a few hours, Heidi. Please do take care of yourself until then,” he wished her taking his leave.