7 The proposal- Part 1 (2/2)
It was hard for Heidi to believe that her towns popular male was complimenting her whilst talking to her. He was handsome enough to skip any town girls heart but here he was polite enough to come to talk to her. His pale eyes shined when he smiled as they made little talks. Her sister Nora was gorgeous from head to toe and men like him usually sought girls with those looks to suit them.
”You have a bell on him. How old is he?” Heidi asked seeing him pet the lamb's head. She noticed the bronze bell tinkling around its neck when it bent down.
”This little fellow is less than three weeks old,” she heard him reply as the lamb walked towards the water to quench its thirst, ”He is the baby of the herd and we don't want him getting lost. With the number of wolves that have been attacking the cattle's and a herd of sheep and goats, the bell makes it easier to find them,” he sighed.
Now that she looked from where she stood at the other sheep's that were scattered around the bank, she could hear the tinkling of bells above the sound of water. As she looked at the little lamb she felt her heart meltdown at just the sight of it. So innocent, she thought to herself and at the same time, she felt guilty for being one of the humans to have it killed and to eat it. Both Nora and Heidi didn't like to see the sight of it being killed, therefore it was always Howard who bought meat from the market which was one of the reasons why they didn't have a single sheep or cow in their backyard. Tearing her eyes away from it she decided to catch another fish.
Heidi who had her feet in the water for a long time now suddenly felt a searing pain in one of her feet and she bent down to take her feet in both her hands.
”Argh!” she exclaimed in discomfort.
”Ms. Heidi!” Howard exclaimed.
”Are you alright?” Noah stepped into the water to see if something had bit her.
”My feet...it hurts too much,” she flinched as the muscles in her feet grew tighter in pain. She hadn't moved her feet and she didn't know why her feet suddenly began hurting so much. Even taking a single step was painful.
”Let me see it,” the young man said with a frown bending down while she clutched her feet with both her hands. Two of her toes had begun to overlap with another one. He took her feet in hands and began rubbing the top of her feet steadily, ”How long have you been in the water today? The muscles have twisted itself.”
”Can it happen?” Howard asked with a surprised look on his face.
”The muscles have a tendency to twist sometimes without reason but in your case, you stayed in the water for a far too long time. ,” Noah said it to Heidi, ”You need to be careful when you step into places like these. Better now?” he asked.
”Yes, thank you,” she thanked him with a smile feeling her tense muscles relax. Standing up straight she stepped out of the water right away, not wanting the pain to come back.
”We have enough fish for tonight. Shall we call it a day, Ms. Heidi?” Howard asked and saw the young miss nod her head. Giving his thanks to the young man and bidding him a good day, both Heidi and he headed back to the house.