3 Hold her hand (1/1)
The next day Li Mai Ke went to see Gu Cheng Ze. They become friends immediately and didn't waste anytime. They hang out and played basketball all afternoon. Gu Cheng Ze showed Li Mai Ke around and they came home together. Li Mai Ke invited Gu Cheng Ze in their house.
Li Mai Ke: ”Cheng Ze have dinner with us.”
Gu Cheng Ze: ”....” 'how can I eat dinner with them, with Li Ji An, I can't embarrass myself in front of her.'
Li Ji An suddenly came in and asked Cheng Ze to stay for dinner so their mum can know him.
At the dining table Mai Ke introduced Cheng ze to Madam Li Mei Li.
Madam Li: ”So you live next door? Cheng Ze I hope you get along well with Mai Ke and Ji An. We just move here so they don't have friends. Thank you for showing them around.”
Cheng Ze didn't expect that at all. He smile and try to gather his thoughts.
Cheng Ze: ”Mrs Li thank you for accepting me in your home. I'm glad I met them and become friends with them. I heard you enroll them to school. I'll walk with them to school everyday starting tomorrow.”
Madam Li: ”You are such a nice boy. Both of you, look after our Ji An as well.”
Ji An smile and she focused on eating her dinner.
The next day, it's their first day in school. Ji An is in 4th grade while Mai Ke and Cheng Ze are classmates in 7th grade.. They will walk to school together and come home together. Every time they cross the road Cheng Ze will holds Ji Ans hand and let it go after crossing, she just run and not look around before crossing. This has become their routine for 5 years.
Every year, for Ji Ans birthday, Cheng Ze will always make a birthday card for her. But on those cards he never once mention that he likes her a lot. In that 5 long years he never told her that he love her.
Now shes turning thirteen it's going to be her last birthday in Beijing. They are going back to England to live with their dad.
Ji An and Mai Ke never told anyone that they are leaving after her birthday. Madam Li is going to be Mrs. Gu Mei Li soon so she is sending her children to their dad.
At Ji Ans party everyone's having fun. Ji An grab Cheng Zes hand for the first time. She wanted to talk to him privately. She then let his hands go.
Ji An: ”Gu Cheng Ze! I don't want you holding my hand anymore. I don't want to hang out with you anymore.”
Gu Cheng Ze: ”....” he suddenly got confused.. ”Have I done anything wrong to you? Have I upset you?”
Ji An just stares at him.
Cheng Ze walk towards her. He held her hand and touch her face with the other hand. ”What is wrong? Are you upset with me?”