13 The Truth (1/2)

The following night, Lyra really learned what a full-on business meeting with Mr. Wellington meant. Kurtis assumed boss mode and went over everything he had planned.

The flower shop will be catering and adding a corporate program where they would be delivering and maintaining the decorations for three hotels in the city, starting with the one across the shop. They would expand the delivery and implement new systems to provide for demand of online transactions.

Lyra didn't know how to respond for she never had such thoughts or the financial ability to support all theses endeavors all in one go. She was surprised that a hotel already agreed, but was scared since she couldn't fulfill the entire orders along with managing the shop with just two people. Then Kurtis revealed his preparation to recruit more staff and hosting a round of interviews soon.

When Lyra tried to refuse because she couldn't afford the efforts he put in, Kurtis used the Angela card saying that she was helping the other shop owner make decisions.

Basically, future brother-in-law was looking out for baby sister-in-law to extended lengths yet again. So Lyra accepted, simply taking his goodwill since he wasn't going to let go until she did.

Only after walking out of the private dining room of the high-end restaurant did any new topic get brought up. They were all by the lobby waiting for the chauffeur to pull up.

”Where we going next?” Rose wrapped one arm around Kurtis's neck and the other one around Lyra.

”Planning to take you two home,” Kurtis answered.

Rose grew stiff. ”You jokin' right cuz?” she asked with all seriousness on her beautiful face.

”Why would he be joking?” Lyra asked with puppy eyes and Rose produced a mischievous smile.

”This guy,” the Aussie pointed a finger at her brother from another mother, ”…is a party machine.”

The look on her face didn't seem like she was exaggerating. Lyra turned towards Kurtis who only rolled his eyes.

”Yeah I'm done for the day. I still have jet lag,” Kurtis said pulling Rose's arm away from him.

”Jet lag? Sorry of an excuse Kurt.” After giving him a disappointed look, her attention fell on the reserved girl to her left. ”How 'bout you?”

”Home,” a satisfied grin sat on Lyra's determined face, slightly glad that she wasn't the only party pooper this time.

”What? We dressed up only to eat dinner and go home?” Rose threw her hands in the air like the world is ending as the car finally pulled up.

Kurtis opened the door for his younger cousin who jumped in to the back seat, arms crossed like a child throwing a silent tantrum.

”Take her to XYZ Nightclub and pick her up before she gets in bed with anyone,” he instructed the driver and Rose's face lit up. ”Don't get too drunk and bother Lyra when you get home.”

She gave a thumbs up to her favorite cousin and slipped a wink to Lyra as the driver drove away.

If the party girl rolled up the window a second later, Lyra would've made a last minute decision to tag along, not because XYZ was the hottest trending nightclub where celebrities gathered, but because now she was faced with the same predicament she feared from the beginning.

Dear Rose was supposed to be the perfect third wheel and now with her gone, it's back to Kurtis and her alone—again.

”Hope you don't mind walking back to the shop? I didn't want Rose to go alone. That girl can go WILD if you know what I mean…” Kurtis said, head to hand like a father worrying over a rebellious daughter.

[I really mind…]

”It should be no more than a ten minute walk from here,” Kurtis tipped his head in the direction back to her home. Not knowing how to escape this one, Lyra followed behind.

With Rose gone, it was suddenly a lot quieter. Walking under the moonlight with just the two of them reminded Lyra of the night strolls on the beach back on the island. After dinner, Kurtis would want to walk and expected ”Angela” to accompany him. It was only later on did Lyra understand that he was training his leg and not planning anything else.

They didn't hold hands then or now, but still, something about walking together and passing by shops was romantic. And romance shouldn't be part of the formula of a purely business meeting.

So as the silence eased in, Lyra couldn't help but notice the smaller details of this setup—how he made sure to walk on the outer side of the pavement, how he slowed down a little after realizing she was trying to match his long strides, and how he kept a mindful distance between the both of them. Unlike on the island when he believed she was her sister, he was respectful of the personal space Lyra was entitled to.

Kurtis Wellington is indeed a gentlemen, which only made it worse for Lyra who was trying her best to think only with her head. She was always a sucker for men with etiquette.

Took some time before Lyra mustered the courage to ask, ”Is your leg better?”

She was so afraid of sounding overly caring that she held off on the question, but considering it was colder here than on the island, she couldn't help but want to make sure it was okay for him to walk her back.

At the question, the guy next to her halted all of a sudden, scaring Lyra.