35 The state of sAlls (1/2)

”I don't think that we are in danger guys” Francis tried to give an awkward smile. ”If we are we wouldn't still be alive until now, don't you think.”

He was right, but the people in front of him are all cautious.

”You are thinking way too much about the future, chill” He said while putting his hands at the back of the chair leaning lazily.

Henry had already deduced what Francis just said. However he could not fathom the strength or the backing of someone protecting them. Chances are there was no protector. It was just by chance that they are still alive.

Henry looked at all of them. Helen was shy but she was resolute in her decision, Francis was feeling confident and lazy while Cheska's face was solem. Madel had her eyes closed.

[She couldn't be sleeping again?] Henry thought.

His nares enlarged and his snappy personality came forth. He wanted to throw some beans at the sleeping girl who was acting rather nonchalant about the situation. [How could she sleep at a time like this?]

Francis looked at her and gave a giggle. She really does have talent for sleeping.

”Madel!” Henry called out but she did not respond.

Helen shook her.

Cheska asked Henry to create a barrier for them while showing him a leaf. Henry understood immediately. The leaf has an extremely foul odor when scrunched so they needed protection. Henry had a smile plastered all over his face. This is what true friends are.

Cheska scrunched the leaf in front of Madels mask. With its smell, the thin mask would be useless. With the assault of foul odor, Madel scrunched her nose and subconsciously moved her face away.

”Oh my Gosh Madel, if you don't wake up with that I will throw you a bucket filled with water.” Henry said in a bitchy tone.

Madel opened her eyes and saw them looking at her. Her eyebrows twitched with the foul smell then she covered her nose. Feeling all surprised, she arranged here things immediately so that it can fit into her tiny storage ring. Looking at her all flustered Francis and Helen loosened up.

”I'm sorry I fell asleep are we going home now?” she asked while standing up.

They all laughed at what happened just now, Cheska using a killer move.

”We should have more of that” Francis said while laughing. He was referring to the leaf that Cheska used.

Henry and Cheska joined in the laugh too.

Helen explained what happened to Madel while laughing.

”I'm sorry for falling asleep.” She said sincerely.

”Anyway, let's go back to the topic. You can use the spiritual cultivation manual as well too Helen. But I am telling you don't blame me for the hardships. It may look simple but spiritual cultivation is the hardest one to cultivate.”