6 Im sorry (1/1)

Helen did not move. She prevented any sound to came out from her mouth because she might sob or cry loudly. But her tears continued to fall. It had been around 30 minutes but her tears seemed to fall like it came from bottomless pit. Her heart was flooded with bitterness, hopelessness, and unending pain.

”Uhm,” She heard Francis talk. It seems like he was trying to communicate.

”I'm sorry, I did not mean to..” he added.

Helen did not want to listen but she doesn't want to open her mouth. Her throat was hurting and her mouth was salty and bitter. She might just mumble incomprehensible words towards him. She did not want him to know that she was crying because of him.

”you see, I'm already 29 and you are too young, your almost half of my age.” He continued.

”What is this freak talking about, I was 40 when I died so how can you be 29 when we are of the same age?” she said her self without thinking any deeper.

”and you see I have already someone in my heart, I may not be able to see her anymore, but I don't think I am ready to indulge in a relationship yet.”

His words of comfort were like the scythe of death which almost killed her very soul. She wanted him to stop but her pride stopped her. She won't let him see her crying.

”I liked her ever since I started to know what love is.She was my… Oh I'm sorry your probably not interested to hear it out.” He said. ”I will let you sleep now.”

Francis can't help it. When it comes to his love he can't keep his mouth shut. He was so proud of her he wanted to declare it to the world. But when he is with her he was as good as mute.

”See that Helen. The man you like obviously wants another woman. Don't waste this second chance that you have been given. You can't become an old maid again.” She reminded herself.

Helen fell asleep after crying her heart out. Who knew that crying could be very tiring?

On the other hand, Francis tried to make sense of the situation.