23 Chapter 23 (1/2)
During lunch period, before The Rejects met on the roof, Emma told the group ”I'll meet you on the roof later”.
”You have something to do?” Wyatt asks.
”Yeah” Emma says, ”I've got something to ask Principal Schafold. It has to do with the club”.
”Alright” Emily says, ”let us know what's up when you get back”.
When Emma shows up at Ryan's office, Ryan was rather surprised. ”Emma” he says, ”what brings you here?”.
”I have a favor to ask after all” Emma says.
”I thought you didn't want our help?” Ryan asks.
”It's not about that” Emma says, ”it's mostly for my friends. We're planning on forming our own club as soon as we can, and I have a question about where we can set up the club”.
”Do you have a room in mind, or did you want to ask about where you could set up the club?” Ryan asks.
”I wanted to know” Emma says, ”can we use the roof as our club meeting spot?”.
”The school roof?” Ryan asks. ”For which section of the building?”.
”The first year's section” Emma says.
”It's rather unorthodox for me to allow this” Ryan says. ”Why the roof?”.
”Our club” Emma says, ”is not really my idea... but it's supposed to be a safe place for people like laibah and their supporters. A quiet place for us to be, for those who... fear being themselves during school. It's also a club meant for us to help each other think about what we want to be before we graduate college. The roof is the only place we can really relax and be ourselves away from the rest of the classes, so if we could reserve that spot, it'd work in our favor”.
”The roof is supposed to be off limits” Ryan says. ”You know this, right?”.
”Y-Yeah...” Emma says, her head hanging.
”However” Ryan says, ”I don't recall anyone ever telling me I can't allow students to be there after some point”. Emma looks up, surprised. ”I'll tell you what... I know it's probably hard for you to ask for a favor after feeling so strongly about our support before. So, just this once, I'll allow it”.
”Thank you” Emma says as she begins to leave.
”One more thing” Ryan says.
”What?” Emma asks.
”Thanks for letting me help” Ryan says.
”So?” Aeris asks when Emma arrives on the rooftop.
”I asked about where we could set up our club” Emma says. ”I got the confirmation that we can use this roof as our club spot”.
”Wait, for real?” Jessica asks. ”I didn't think the school would actually allow that”.
”Me either” Emily says. ”How'd you do it?”.
”I... I just asked” Emma says with a shrug.
”Well, then it all works out” Wyatt says. ”We come here often, so it won't create much of a change in our routine. However, if we get people from other classes that are in a year or so higher than ours, then second years and maybe even third year students will be coming to the first year building. This brings the numbers to the other first years to see, so it should act as a deterrent more effectively”.
”I didn't... think of that” Jackson says. ”Good job, Emma. Guess you two aren't totally clueless”.
”They did say they were like... honor students or something before” Aeris says. ”They get good grades here too, so it's not that unexpected”.
”Still though” Emily says, ”that's very helpful. It's like we have two strategists here”.
”Speaking of which” Aeris says, ”I know we were thinking about who would be the president of the club before, but I think either Wyatt or Emma should lead the club”.
”Why's that?” Wyatt asks. ”I'm no leader...”.
”And I don't wanna do it” Emma says.
”Then, Wyatt, you do it” Aeris says.
”B-but!” Wyatt complains.
”You said it yourself” Aeris says. ”Emma can use her clothier skills to create our symbols for our uniform, and you both seem to be thinking a lot into how to make this work... so if anyone should lead it, it should be either one of you two”.
”But why me?” Wyatt asks.
”Because Emma already said she doesn't wanna do it” Aeris says.
”Sucks to suck, huh?” Jackson says.
”Don't make me take out the notebook again” Aeris says.
The next day, the morning before homeroom class began, Marcus and his friends started off the day finding subtle ways to aggravate The Rejects. Every few minutes, they would throw a tiny folded up piece of paper at one of The Rejects, with things like ”Die”, ”Laibah trash” and ”Leave” written on them. Most of the time, the folded pieces of paper were aimed at Jackson. Although, as angry as he would get, Aeris would keep reminding him to calm down. ”Don't let it get to you” she says, ”they're not worth the time and effort. Besides, your future is at stake too and they know it. Remember, Ms. Weber said they'll expel people for fighting”.
”Yeah” Jackson says as he clenches his fists, ”I know”.
Meanwhile, in the principal's office, Rose shows up to speak with Ryan. ”Rose!” Ryan says as she enters, ”How's my favorite illegitimate grandchild?”.
”I'm not here for games this time” Rose says, ”what's this I've heard about a club being set up on the roof?”.
”Ah, so you've seen the chart already?” Ryan asks.
”First off” Rose says, ”it's not even the time of year for the first years to be forming clubs! And what's more, you allowed them to reserve the roof? Who's club is this?”.
”Hard to say” Ryan says. ”I don't know which of the students is leading the club, but what I do know is that laibah girl, Emma is the one who requested the roof”.
”And why do I care about this... Emma?” Rose asks.
”Because” Ryan says, ”from what I've heard, it's a club to help those who are laibah and those humans who live with laibah or their supporters. It's supposed to be a safe spot for them. As well as, from what I've heard from Refus, Emma and Emily have been staying pretty close to each other. Chances are, if Emma is there, then so is Emily”.
”What's with your obsession with Emily!?” Rose demands.
”I'm trying to help those who are less fortunate” Ryan says. ”You understand that better than the other staff do”.
Rose sighs and says ”Look, gramps, I know you're trying your best to help them out. I know that all you try to do is help... but isn't this like bending the rules in their favor?”.
”I don't see why it would be considered as such” Ryan says. ”They need a quiet place, I gave them a quiet place. Besides, you understand their position well too, seeing as how I'm not the only one trying to help laibah students get by”.