17 Chapter 17 (1/2)
The next morning, Friday of September 27th, 2019. Class was about to begin, and Emily was almost late. Emily entered class right before Refus did, and when she entered, Refus could hear Emma and Jessica calling out to her. ”Emily!” They would say, ”come on, sit over here!”. Emily hesitates at first, but eventually joins them, sitting with The Rejects. As Refus observed this, it brought a smile to his face. Not only did it help make his job easier, but he was happy to see that progress was being made. Not only because Ryan wanted Refus specifically to help ease Emily into school life, but because he was also worried about his students.
Later that day, during lunch period, Refus went to report the good news about Emily. He also planned to let Ryan know that Emma appeared to be fine, and doesn't need any living assistance. ”So, everything is fine then?” Ryan asks.
”As far as I can tell” Refus says, ”everything is more than fine. I'm surprised things are going this well. I thought by now that the school would be getting hell for having a laibah teacher, students would be revolting, and the school would be falling apart. How do you manage to keep it all together so well, Principal Schafold?”.
”Oh, don't worry so much” Ryan says, ”and give yourself a little credit. You're the one helping lead those classes”.
Refus laughs a little as he scratches the back of his head. ”Right” Refus says, ”well, I'll be off now. Don't work yourself too hard, Ryan”.
”Ha ha- you don't have to worry about this old man!” Ryan says cheerfully, ”I can handle myself”. After Refus leaves, Ryan takes a few slips of folded up paper out of one of his drawers in his desk. These folded up pieces of paper, letters, were recently sent directly to Ryan. He tried to get rid of it before anyone showed up in his office, but stuffed it away when Refus showed up. He reaches behind his chair with the papers, and puts them in a paper shredder, one by one. As the paper falls into the shredder, few words were able to be seen. Words like ”Ryan Schafold, Laibah, Refus Maloney, Remove” and ”School”. All of these letters were all different kinds of threats or protests held against the school. Not only for having a laibah teacher, but also for being known to house plenty of laibah. ”As long as they don't worry about it” Ryan says to himself, ”it'll be easier to handle. If the teachers found out about this, everyone would be anxious and stressed about this school. Then it'll become that much harder to help all these children...”. Ryan sighs to himself and says ”One day... one day, I'll make things right. I know what I've done to deserve this, but these people haven't done anything to deserve this”.
Meanwhile, on the roof. ”So why are you still being so quiet?” Jessica asks Emily.
”Just... because” Emily replies.
”Don't really get along well with many people, do ya?” Jessica asks.
”No, not really” Emily says.
”Yeah, I know how that feels” Jessica says. ”There always feels like there's just... something that separates you from the rest of the crowd. Like... you're not sure what it is, but it's definitely there. Sometimes, and it may seem weird, but we outcasts gotta stick together. Even if it's not really for being long term friends, it's just- in the end, we can only really count on each other to understand what we're going through. Wait, that's it! I have an idea! Wanna hang out this weekend, Emily!?”.
Emily brings her fist down on her own open hand, as if to come to a sudden discovery. ”No!” Emily says, almost cheerfully.
”Aw... damn!” Jessica says in disappointment. ”I thought I had finally found something to do this weekend”.
”It was a nice try, Jess” Aeris says.
”It was a stupid idea though” Emily says.
”Why you gotta be so mean?” Jessica asks.
”Just... because?” Emily says.
”Are you not sure why you do it?” Emma asks.
”I just... I don't know” Emily says, suddenly hangin her head in defeat. ”I've kinda always been like that”.
”What do you mean?” Emma asks.
”Well... I was even like that towards my parents” Emily says. ”I guess I was kind of mean to them... but back then, I was confused and mad when I found out I was adopted. I couldn't really accept it at the time, so I guess I lashed out in anger towards them over a long period of time. I-I mean... I didn't keep treating them like that. I still... love my parents, ya know? It's just... I'm not sure why I do that to other people”.
”Is it because even though you knew you were wrong in doing so” Jackson asks, ”that you subconsciously couldn't accept how wrong you were? Due to that, you began deploying that social behavior towards other people, hoping to find some way to make it right?”.
”When you say it that way” Emily says, ”it kinda makes me... sound like...”.
”Like an asshole?” Jackson asks. ”Well, yeah. You kinda are”. Aeris elbows Jackson really hard in the ribs. ”Ohm- Ow, Ow, Ow!” Jackson exclaims, ”Worth!”.
”I don't mean to treat people like this” Emily says, with tears beginning to form in her eyes, ”but... it isn't fair... what I put mom and dad through”.
As Emily begins to cry, Emma leans over and hugs Emily. Emily holds onto Emma and began crying more. ”It's alright” Emma says, ”I'm sure they don't blame you”.
”B-but...” Emily says through her tears, ”it's probably better if they did. They've never done anything wrong... and yet, I still...”. Emily found it hard to finish her words, through all of her tears.
”Well” Emma says, ”you can always try telling them that, when you see them again! Right?”.
”Y-Yeah” Emily says, trying to cheer up, ”I guess you're right”.
”Aw, that's so nice” Jessica says, ”can I cry on your shoulder too, Emma? Like when I have nothing to do on the weekends?”.
”I- Uhh...” Emma says as she thinks for a moment.
”You're being a baby about not having anything to do on the weekends” Jackson says. ”Plus, she's the shortest one out of all of us. You'll crush Emma if you lean on her shoulders too much”.
”H-hey!” Emma complains. ”I'm not that short!”.
”Aw, is the little spoon angry?” Jackson teases.
Emma's face grows bright red as she yells ”Don't make me come over there!”.
”Stop teasing people, Jackson” Wyatt says.
”Are you just mad that I've been leaving you out?” Jackson asks. ”I don't pick on you for ONE day, and you feel left out? Sorry, but I have to be sarcastic wherever there's stupidity. It's like a job, and this sarcasm is rated E: for Everybody!”.
”I wouldn't suggest talking to children” Aeris says. ”I'm pretty sure that ranks your attitude at like... rated M: for Mature now”.
”Look” Wyatt says, ”if you're going to tease Emma, try doing something about your own looks. I know you're funny, but looks aren't everything”.
Jackson pauses for a moment. ”Did... did he just have a comeback?”.
Aeris giggles, then says ”I think he called you funny-looking!”.
”I'm almost proud...” Jackson says in awe. ”Almost...”.
”Want to make that almost dead?” Emma says, her face still red.
”Whoa whoa, chill, short stuff!” Jackson pleads. ”You'll probably break my ankles or something!”.
Wyatt lightly holds Emma back, as he says ”Can you please stop picking on my girlfriend, Jackson?”.
”Well...” Jackson says as he thinks, ”I guess since you said please”.
”Really?” Wyatt asks.
”No” Jackson says, ”she's short and I'm not stopping until she admits that”.
”Why you!” Emma says as she struggles in Wyatt's arms.
”Admit it” Jackson says, ”you can't lie to yourself forever”.
”I've completely lost track of what's going on here...” Emily says.
Jessica just shrugs her shoulders and Aeris says ”Sometimes it's just like this...”.
”Really?” Emily asks.
”Well, no” Aeris says. ”Usually Emma is quiet. I guess she's still working on opening up to people... rather violently, I'd say”.
”Oh...” Emily says, now more confused than before. ”And Jackson?”.