11 Chapter 11 (1/2)

Wear LeoFraust 57640K 2022-07-22

During the next two weeks, the student body of Harrison University has calmed down as everyone thought about their futures. Everyone was caught up in what they want to do and how to do it, just as Refus had intended. Causing the students to focus on something that is within the students best interest kept students from lashing out in irrational behavior. However, as time grew, some still worried more about other things. When people worry about something that's already within reach, but fear to reach out, it brings them new fears. Even if their fear is in itself irrational, or something that one shouldn't worry about. For instance, the closer to the festival they got, the more Wyatt and Emma began to worry. Wyatt kept worrying if whether he'll somehow ask Emma all the wrong questions, in fear that she may not like him as much as he hopes. As to where Emma began to fear if Wyatt was even still interested enough to bring her to the festival, as the two grew more and more nervous. However, Wyatt left the dorm early in the night and came back with a simple solution to a problem that neither of them were aware that the other was going through. When Wyatt came back on Sunday night of September 15th, he presented passes for the two of them for the festival. ”I've been saving up for it” Wyatt says. ”The festivals are always kind of expensive, which is why I was never able to go before”.

Emma was filled with relief, but at the same time guilt for thinking of a scenario that she honestly should've known wouldn't have come to pass. Emma tried containing her excitement, as she says ”We get to go then!? I'm so excited! Thanks for remembering!”.

Wyatt laughs softly and says ”I wanted to go so much too, and I wouldn't leave you behind like that”.

”It really means a lot to me though” Emma says as the two of them prepare to go to sleep for school. ”I'm so glad I get to go with you”.

”Ha ha, well, let's get some sleep for now” Wyatt says. ”I know it'll probably be a little hard to sleep with the excitement, but the festival doesn't open until Wednesday”.

”Alright, I'll try” Emma says as she lays down. After a few minutes of silence, Emma asks ”Hey, Wyatt?”.

”What's up?” Wyatt asks.

”Thanks” Emma says. ”I mean it”.

Wyatt laughs and says ”No problem”.

As the two try to sleep, Emma grasps onto a dress that she's hiding under her blanket. She's been working on making a dress to wear to the festival, but wanted to make it a surprise. Even though it's never been a tradition for the festival, she thought she would try to make the best impression she could, before she tried finding the right words to say to Wyatt. Now the two slept, filled with relief and excitement. Both had feared something irrational, only to find a simple solution. Sometimes, our biggest fears have the smallest answers. Often times, in more ways than one.

The very next day, Monday of September 16th, Emma and Wyatt go to class together like usual. The classroom was also lit up with excitement, as many of the other students were also impatient for the opening of The Autumn Festival. ”You guys are going to the festival too, right?” Jessica asks. ”I mean, I'm probably not going to be able to go on the first day, but I'll probably go on like... Monday of next week. I don't have enough money to go yet, and I don't get paid until next weekend”.

”Yeah, we're going on the first day though” Wyatt says. ”I already got us passes for the festival”.

”Really?” Aeris asks, sounding impressed, as she sits down next to them. ”It's open for a week, right?”.

”A week and a half” Jackson says. ”It closes after Saturday of the next week”.

”Alright, settle down a little” Refus says as he enters the classroom. ”I know the festival is this week, and everyone is at least a little excited. So for this week, we won't be having much to do”. The class nearly begins to cheer until Refus says ”I'm kidding... I wish I could do that for you guys, but you know we have work to do. I will, however, be willing to help anyone through whatever they need. That way, you won't have to be left with a lot of homework. You've all been working hard for these past couple weeks, so go out and have fun when the festival opens. That is, after school is over”.

”We can have help with anything?” A student asks.

”Anything” Refus says.

”Can you do my homework for me?” The student asks.

”Okay, anything that doesn't include me doing the work for you” Refus clarifies. The class groans, then Refus says ”Don't worry, I'll go easy on all of you this week. It shouldn't be hard to keep up on lessons this week”.

After the first class ended, Refus walked past Jeff in the hallway. ”They're ready for you” Refus says, ”but I feel that I should warn you. They're a little excited”.

”As long as there's no extra work for me to handle” Jeff says unenthusiastically, ”then it should be fine”. When Jeff entered the class, the students were talking to each other, but none of them seemed aggressive or disappointed. They all seemed content and excited. Jeff was impressed, as usually it'd be hard for teachers to handle their students during this time of year. Even more so for a laibah teacher.

After the next couple classes, lunch break arrived. Jeff and Refus accidentally met up in the teacher's lounge while on break at the same time. The two of them sat at different tables, to eat in peace. After a couple minutes, Quincy entered the room. ”Still here?” Quincy asks as he looks at Refus. ”I thought you'd have been fired before the festival”.

”I thought you would be a teacher, not a broken record” Refus says to Quincy.

”I still stand by what I said before” Quincy says. ”A laibah teacher has never worked, it doesn't work and will never work”.

”I didn't realize working with children and other students forces you to act like one” Refus says. ”Are you sure it's not about time that YOU retired?”.

”Laugh all you want” Quincy adds, ”we'll see who has the last laugh”.

After Quincy leaves the room, Jeff starts snickering. He had been holding in laughter, and his snickering turned into a loud laugh. ”You're pretty funny!” Jeff says while laughing.

”I can only match stupidity with sarcasm...” Refus says.

”That's pretty good though” Jeff says as he finally begins to calm down. ”I've gotta use that some time”.

”Feel free to use it whenever” Refus says.

”Seriously” Jeff says, trying to hold in more laughter. ”I didn't know working with children made you act like one! Pfft- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! I swear, my opinion of you just continues to grow!”.

”Well...” Refus says, ”thanks, I guess”.

Meanwhile, on the roof, The Rejects were gathered for lunch. ”So what's the big deal about The Autumn Festival anyways?” Jackson asks.

”It's just something simple the city sets up” Jessica says. ”It's to celebrate passing from the summer solstice, to the autumn equinox. It's not really a big deal, but everyone looks forward to an excuse to have at least a little bit of fun. The city also likes opportunities to keep people spending money, since it can help the progress in the city. What with building new structures and stuff like that. It helps people have fun, and helps circulate money”.

”Are you excited for it?” Aeris asks Jessica.

”Well...” Jessica says. ”I think it's fun to go. I just don't have a whole lot of money”.

”I imagine most people that go to this school don't have a lot of money” Jackson says.

”That's fair” Jessica replies.

”So what do you guys plan on doing at the festival?” Aeris asks Emma and Wyatt. ”As if we didn't already know...”.

Emma and Wyatt both shrug as both of them say ”I've never really been before”.

”Let me know how the festival is this year” Jessica says. ”I wanna know if it's worth buying a pass to go. Just call me or- oh wait... I totally don't even have any of your phone numbers”.

”I don't have a phone” Jackson says.

”Yeah, we couldn't really afford to get one either” Aeris says. ”So my parents never got me one”.

”Emma? Wyatt?” Jessica asks, but both Wyatt and Emma shake their heads as if to say 'no'. ”Really?” Jessica asks, ”none of you guys have a phone? I mean, I didn't get one until my last year of high school, but... I didn't think there would be college students without a phone”.