3 Chapter 3 (2/2)

Wear LeoFraust 63310K 2022-07-22

”Still working?” Wyatt asks. ”Don't you ever get tired?”  Wyatt then laughs a little.

”I like making clothes” Emma says. ”It's my hobby”.

”Well, I'm about ready to fall asleep” Wyatt says, ”do you want me to leave the light on for you?”.

Emma looks up and says ”Oh! No, no! That's fine. I can see in the dark”. Emma then realizes what she said and then says ”W-What I mean is, the moonlight is plenty bright for me. You can turn off the lights if that makes it easier for you to sleep”.

”Are you sure?” Wyatt asks. Emma nods her head and then Wyatt turns off the light and begins to sleep. As Wyatt sleeps, Emma works throughout the night on stitching. When Wyatt wakes up the next morning, Emma was sound asleep. He tried calling to her lightly to see if she would wake up, but she was totally out. Before Wyatt begins to take a shower, he lifts up her head and slips a pillow underneath her. He then covers her with his blanket, and then quietly tip-toes into the bathroom. Emma spent too much time, staying up and working on clothes, and didn't wake up this morning. Wyatt goes to class without her, to let her sleep. It wasn't until just before lunch period that Emma came to the classroom. The teacher had just left, and the students were getting ready to leave for lunch. Emma sticks her head into the class, and immediately Wyatt notices her. She was squinting angrily at Wyatt, as if to ask ”Why didn't you wake me up!?”. Emma and Wyatt go get food and eat together on the rooftop. When they get there, Jackson was already there with someone else. It was Aeris.

”One more for the group of misfits?” Wyatt asks as he and Emma sit down to eat.

”This is Aeris” Jackson says. ”Also, funny you should mention 'group of misfits'. You know what they call us, right?”.

”Who calls what?” Wyatt asks.

”The rest of the class is spreading rumors about us” Jackson says, ”more specifically, all of the students that sit in the back of class. They call us the rejects”.

”I'm... not very surprised” Wyatt says. ”But Aeris doesn't sit in the back, usually, so is she included?”.

Aeris stares at her feet as Jackson says ”I'm assuming they just included her, because she began sitting in the back of class today. You know how these dumb h-... people are with rumors”.

”There's also one other person who sits in the back though, isn't there?” Wyatt asks.

”Yeah” Emma says, ”she sits close to us. She's been quiet”.

”Then I'm sure she's a part of the rejects group already” Jackson says.

Wyatt laughs and says ”Maybe we should get her to eat with us too. Apparently we're a club or something now, and this is like our club meeting spot”.

Aeris and Emma both laugh, and Jackson asks ”Why do I put up with you?”.

”What was the other girls name?” Emma asks. ”I never really... talk to anyone else in class”.

”Correction” Jackson says, ”you rarely ever talked until recently”.

”Some people are just shy or need time to get used to people” Wyatt says.

”I swear” Jackson argues, ”every time you talk, it's like nails on a chalkboard. Can you stop?”.

”I thought I was helping, shit” Wyatt says.

”I think her name was Jessica or something” Aeris says. ”If I remember correctly. I never talked to them, but I think I heard someone call out her name once”.

”Are you guys actually planning on making this like a club or something?” Jackson asks.

”Why not?” Wyatt asks. ”They've dealt us a shitty hand, why not roll with what we've got? Also, the more the merrier, I guess... or whatever”.

”Or whatever” Jackson says as he sighs. ”Look, I get it. You guys wanna find a place for yourselves to fit in during the first part of school. Even if you can't fit in with the rest. That's cool, I get it. But why are you just automatically including me into this equation?”.

”The more... the merrier?” Emma asks. Aeris giggles at what Emma says.

”Well, you're a reject too, aren't you?” Wyatt asks.

Jackson sighs and says ”You don't know the half of it”.

The rest of the school day ends. Emma stays at the dorm and continues to work on stitching while Wyatt goes to work. When Wyatt comes back, Emma was holding something behind her back. ”I finished it!” Emma says gleefully. Emma takes the new school uniform out from behind her back. It looked as good as a new pair of clothes just bought from a store. ”Ta-Da!” She says.

”That's amazing!” Wyatt says. ”I can't believe how good it looks”. Emma just smiles at the compliment and Wyatt says ”You make a really good clothier! Why don't you get paid more for the stuff you make? You always seem to only get a little bit of change”.

”Well... uh” Emma says, ”I'm not worried about how much I get... for the ones that don't fit me”.

”How much of it doesn't fit?” Wyatt asks.

”Kind of... all of it” Emma says, defeated.

”Does your uniform fit you?” Wyatt asks. ”It wouldn't be very good if it doesn't”.

”Sure it does” Emma says, ”I made sure to take measurements and work carefully this time! Wanna see?”.

”No! No, no, no, no, no” Wyatt says, ”I'll take your word for it... just don't-”.

”I was going to change in... the bathroom” Emma interrupts, ”what were you thinking?”.

”Ah, uh... nothing!” Wyatt says. ”Of course you were, I just mean... uh-”.

”Anyways” Emma says, ”you can see it tomorrow when we go to class. Tomorrow's Friday, right?”.

”Yeah, almost our first weekend of college” Wyatt says. ”This week has really dragged on... the past few days have felt really long”.

Emma giggles and says ”Well let's see what us rejects can do tomorrow. Maybe we can figure out how many students are in our class that just need people to talk to, like us”.

”Yeah” Wyatt says, ”I wouldn't doubt we'd find at least one. Everyone needs someone”.

”Yeah” Emma says, her voice lightening, ”yeah we do...”.