63 Theres More? (1/2)

Because Christian was not under the care or protection of the school anymore, he was sent off back to his home in a stretcher.

Dean didn't want to miss this chance of seeing how injured Christian was and asked to be excused from the infirmary.

Although there was friction between the nurse who was taking care of him, Dean still managed to get his way and was now searching for the main exit of the school that Christian would pass through.

Bandages still wrapped around him however he was able to walk without a problem but met many interesting people.

It was like he was the center of attention like Christian as they pointed towards him and whispered words of admiration.

'Was this what Christian felt?'

Being praised as a hero uncovering a villain's evil misdeeds, he couldn't help but blush at the outrageous conclusions made about him as well as the compliments.

Many people patted him on the back and shook hands with him but Dean was slowly discovering that he held disgust to these flowery words that held no meaning.

They just used him as a way to propel the academy's reputation after learning there was a bad apple within its grounds.

He was a gossip for the normal students and a role model for students still developing.

At best, they only learned of his name because the school needed someone to replace Christian and he just happened to fill that role quite well.

Dean guessed they didn't invest much time into learning what may have truly happened and just looked at Christian as a criminal for doing bad deeds yet they don't seek the reason why.

Despite those thoughts, Dean had no reason to cause conflict with them and continued to put on a friendly facade.

He waited patiently close to the exit and sat on a nearby bench.

Soon a couple of people dressed in black robes arrived in front of the school's gate while Dean saw a white stretcher coming closer to the destination.

Next to the stretcher was Rose who was silently sobbing however a mob was behind her, following and watching every actions they took.

Seeing that they were close to exiting the school, someone suddenly threw a pebble that struck Rose's head.

It wasn't deadly enough to cause her any serious damage since it wasn't thrown with much strength however it would still hurt.

Rose should've been able to dodge that without a problem but Dean guessed that the emotional impact made her numb to such actions.

The pebble acted as a chain reaction as other people started to follow that lead and created a momentum for their outrage.

Apple cores, bananas, rocks, paper balls and more miscellaneous objects were thrown into that direction, hitting and staining the clothes of Rose and Christian.

They could only ignore the rude behavior of the students and continued to exit the school with a mess that would soon follow them.