56 It Was You? (1/2)

”He has taken the bait”

Pierre coldly watched the lunatic of a person Christian was currently turning to and immediately ran towards the distance to inform Dean.

Dean was quietly watching off the top of a building in entertainment.

The disgusting nature of the youths in this school was too interesting with their short sighted conclusion brought only on information given to them.

Standing in the back, they laugh and cheer in cruelty yet refuse to search for their own truth and just join the majority.

”Are we really of the same species?”

Dean himself enjoyed Christian's pains and difficulties as he had a reason however no one else should be joyful for this.

Living in two different worlds, Dean's thoughts were disrupted as he saw Pierre and knew what he was going to say.

”Christian is chasing after Ayesha.”

Smiling to himself, Dean responded in a cynical manner

”I can finally end all of this farce. Lead me to Anne, we'll settle this for once.”

Pierre silently nodded and ran towards another direction where Dean soon saw Anne gathering a group of people.

They were cloaked in baggy black clothes and wore a blank white mask, removed of any features.

Identically the same as everyone within the group, the one distinction would be the height as no one dared to speak a single word.

Anne soon lead them in an organized manner where they headed towards the same place however doing it out in the open would be too suspicious.

Instead Dean had already proposed that they would be brought in at different times to make them seem inconspicuous.

The group in black nodded without a word and checked the time every once in a while.

Although Dean was confident in the abilities of Ayesha he had yet to know the strengths of Christian that caused fear within his heart.

He wanted to tell everyone to hurry up but there was no point in that.

'Maybe i'm just too impatient'

Accepting that part about him, Dean left the job to Anne and Pierre as he soon went in search for Ayesha and Christian


”He's gone...”

Pierre was speechless for a moment but recovered immediately

”Are you sure we should betray him?”

Anne whispered her response

”He was just a tool to get rid of Christian. Why are you getting emotional? After all, he's the only person who know's the humiliation your group felt. What will you do if he accidentally spreads it.”

The harsh tone caused Pierre to shut up as he continued to listen to Anne rant

”He's just going to steal all your glory, stay quiet and it'll all be yours.”

Pierre wanted to ignore the last comment and left Anne to her own pondering as he wanted to finish their plan with pure sincerity.