36 Popularity Skyrocketing (2/2)
Running to a shack out of humiliation, Leonard still laughed with the utmost of joy.
Dean had enough of this and could only frown at the childish of Leonard.
”Insane Beast...pffh. Hahaha. Mad Demon...”
”Are they going to call you the Scary Devil....hahha.”
Leonard enjoyed the ridiculous name Dean had been called. He never thought that Dean would be embarrassed in this life but it finally came.
Dean saw that this farce was never going to end if he did something so he brought out a question
”When are you creating those new pills?”
The joyful mood was replaced with Leonard's solemn attitude who responded
”I already created a prototype and with a few more tweaks at the academy it would be completed.”
The hidden confidence was something unusual to hear from Leonard but with this month of training his attitude slowly molded into a much more social human.
It was just a few hours left before all students would leave the Hundred Thousand Beast Forest.
A siren resounded in the distance that signalled towards everyone.
You would see thousands of teenagers rushing out of the tree tops with extreme precision and skill while others hiked on the ground with giant corpses on their back.
The people at the bottom were those that had recently gotten a Beast's corpse and wanted to have a better deal.
If they sold the Beasts to a nearby cavern they would be ripped off as the price would be cheaper than the market sale price but there would be good reasons.
They needed to make sure the carcass wasn't rotten from being out in the sun and this would call for some different measures.
Cooking it at that moment, reserving it inside a Space Ring, etc.
As expected there were tens of merchants waiting outside.
Teacher's and elders waited patiently while their disciples and students finished their business.
They regarded this time as an exciting moment as they would hear in the distance a commotion when students had multiple carcasses.
This was a discreet way of showing off how strong your school was that allowed the old scoundrels to piss each other off.
Dena and Leonard kept to themselves as Leonard would be using the corpses as nourishment or pills which had much better potential for profit.
Two people were next to an elder of Redwood Academy.
They hadn't participated in the competition however their aura was fierce like those that had been living in the wilderness.
One person notified her partner after grasping her hand around his arm
”He's made a name for himself...”
The other person replied in a disgruntled tone
”And so?”
”We need help, Christian keeps on advancing on -”
Reprimanding the person, the other impatiently added his comment
”I know! I'm trying my best to negotiate with my elders.”
Having a calmer tone, the girl prompted the truth
”But it's not effective”
”Just try once. If he isn't to par...it'll just be a repeat of the past”