35 Whos Your Master (2/2)

Lirgo had no need to be alive and Dean just ended his problems.

The immense humiliation and mistreatment created anger inside of Lirgo while the slash was still deadly, it was shallow.

Not enough to kill a life, enough to scar for life.

Knowing that he had to risk everything, Lirgo decided to use a technique that would burn away your life for a burst of power.

If he had a stronger background then there might be a more suitable manual to explain and decrease the amount of life force lost but at this time he didn't care.

Rushing towards Dean he screamed.

”Hammer of-”

Dean felt that at this point the group he faced against were purposely trying to die in the same way.

”No one yells out their attacks.”

To him, it was essentially a mistake that could cost his life if he did exactly what Lirgo did.

Running back to his campsite his stew was simmering just fine.

Dipping the ladle and giving it a quick taste, Dean smiled with happiness.

”Needs more soy sauce.”


The same tavern without any advertisement was still lively as usual.

More people brought corpses and finer wine was now created while hunters were earning a large amount of profit.

It was an overall win-win situation

There was now a new edition to the tavern as on the East Wall was now a Board of Monsters.

Naming many strong students that currently hid in the Hundred Thousand Beast Forest, to be killed or warned against others.

One poster described an assassin known as the Shadow of the Night.

The description follows:

”A strong foe who uses illusions that allure prey before being beheaded using the Ivy Dagger. Once scathed by the tiniest hit, one shall be poisoned and tormented by an unimaginable amount of pain worst than death.”

Bounty: 60,000 gold pieces.

Although this was a board for people's heads, many would still not take the risk as first they had to be stronger than their target.

That's great, until they realize that this person could have a strong backing.

In the event you try to hunt a person such as this then their was only one result: Death.

The tavern would release a new poster after every few days as people would have to compile information on a new target.

One such poster had just been pinned onto the wall.

People had begun to crowd around the paper

”Have you heard of him?”

”No, I don't think so?”

”What did he even do?”

Reading further they felt that it was an easy target.

Insane Beast

”A mad demon that kills the innocent for no reason. Using his Black magic from Satan he compels enemies to allude themselves to death.”

Bounty: 10,000 Gold pieces