1 Prologue (1/2)


Abode of the afterlife





The list goes on and on as people continue to name the place whatever they wish but there is one defining feature in all of those names. This is the place for those that have died and are waiting to go to their next life.

Demons and devils may be known for their unruliness or the chaotic mess they leave however just like any society they need a system. Jobs, entertainment all of that is necessary to appease the residences of this land.

The voices of youth echoed ”Hurry, he's going to tell a story soon.”

A surprised demon turned to the devil and questioned ”What? Who's telling a story?”

Without responding to him a horde of other demons followed after the youth as they rushed towards a bar that was already crowded.

Kindly a passer by told him what was happening ”The embodiment of the seven sins has just experienced his 7 lives. I think this may be his last story before he faces the embodiment of seven virtues” he pressed his finger on his chin as he continued to mull over anything else.

The demon tipped his hat to gesture his gratitude as he also joined the heard but at a much slower pace.

A stern voice could just be heard as the demon approached the bar. Despite the large crowd whispering and the distance away from the bar he could still hear the voice.

The serious voice has a sort of compelling charisma as it started ”Listen up men, do not create a ruckus and pay attention. You may learn a thing or two from that old manso be quiet and let your peers learn without a problem...”

As he continued a somber tone was distorted at the end as he increased the volume ”DO NOT Offend him. Even I can't save you if you wish to stir trouble because even the Archdemons watch over his activities so don't disturb him....”

Before he continued ranting the crowd surrounding him hushed him as they in sync signalled him to stop ”Shhhh..”

The person in the middle of this commotion was sitting on a stool, quietly sipping ale he didn't input a single word into the crowd's conversation.

Patiently he waited for silence to begin out of respect to the audience however in the meanwhile he was contemplating his thoughts.

Going through 7 lives and remembering everything that happened to him was astonishing but there was something indescribable about those lives